When we open the door, Shauna looks from me to Tobias and back to me apologetically. "I'm sorry."

"Not your fault," Tobias says, and we set off to the pit together. Tobias' hand rests on the small of my back the whole way. Although I appreciate the gesture, it doesn't help my body to cool down.

"So, uhm, I wanted to apologize to you two again. For what I've said about the likes of you, you know?" Shauna breaks the slightly awkward silence half-way to the pit. "I was so prejudiced and wrong with what I thought. I..." She stops in her tracks and turns to face us. "I wouldn't be standing here without you, both of you, and maybe Lynn wouldn't be back safe. And Tris... you saved my life. I was stunned you were ready to put your own life in danger to get me out of Eric's grip, so I owe you everything. It would be... It would mean a lot to me if you could try to forgive me."

I see her struggle with her emotions and fight back tears while she speaks, and I believe that she's being honest. I'm not someone to be resentful.

"It's okay, Shauna. I accept your apology," I say and give her hand a little squeeze.

Our eyes turn to Tobias.

"It'll take time," he simply says.

Shauna nods in understanding. "I guess I deserve that. I'll try to be a better friend again in the future, you'll see. Thanks for giving me a chance. I hope the two of you make it into leadership. You'd be great in that position. I didn't put my name on the list, I don't deserve to compete with you after what I've done."

With that, she starts walking again, and we strive into the pit along with the rest of Dauntless. 


The pit is like a giant beehive, crowded and humming with excitement. Rumors are shared, as well as some early drinks. The tension is so palpable that a single spark will be enough to make the emotions burst out and take over. I'm almost sure that the party is going to start as soon as the stream from Candor is over.

I take Tobias' hand the moment the screen turns on and Jack comes into view. Nobody pays attention to us anyway, and even if someone saw us holding hands: So what?

Jack welcomes all the factions to the live stream. He gives a brief summary of this morning's meeting again, but that's not what we're here for. I shift my weight from one foot to the other nervously. I wonder why I feel more nervous at this moment than all the times I put myself at risk.

"We will now proceed to the pronouncement of judgment," Jack finally says, and he gets back all my attention. "We interrogated four accused yesterday, one of whom we already acquitted as innocent. The other three are here today to be passed sentence on."

Jack steps aside and the camera shoots Jeanine, Eric and Max sitting side by side, bound hand and foot to the chairs they're sitting on. While Eric shoots angry looks at Jack and Max looks down seemingly ashamed, Jeanine's face is indifferent. Only the brisk raising and lowering of her chest gives away how she must really feel inside. I hope she's burning with fear.

"I will keep this as short as possible, we've already spent enough of our precious time listening to you. We find you guilty, the three of you. There is no considerable difference between what each of you has done and planned to do.

However, after spending the night consulting the statutes, we found that your actions are not enough to deserve a death penalty. Ironically, that would have required you to actually commit murder, but your plans were thwarted by the Allegiant."


Shouts and catcalls emit throughout the pit. The Candor who sit behind the traitors gasp and start to murmur, too. Jack silences them with a gesture.

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