Chapter 58

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Warning: This chapter contains mentions of self-harm. If this triggers you, please skip the parts in italics.



"Wait, how did you do that? How can you remember the password?" Christina is the first to ask.

"I... I don't know," Caleb stammers, and, given that he looks as surprised as everyone else, I believe him. "I just tried to think of nothing and move my fingers, and it worked."

"But that means that your memories are still somewhere inside your head," Christina concludes.

"Maybe more will return over time. The brain learns by using different channels, and everything it learns combined with movements will be easier to access than what we just read, for example. Same goes for memories that are tied to strong emotions," Will explains in typical Erudite manner. "Can you remember anything else?"

Caleb shakes his head, still staring at the device in his hands.

"But there's hope now," Will encourages him with a friendly slap on his shoulder, which eventually makes him take his eyes away from the little screen.

"But Tobias initially wanted to show us a video, we should watch it. Then you can continue with making plans," he says. Obviously, the attention he's getting makes him uncomfortable.

So in the end, even I have something in common with Caleb.

I do him the favor and set up the video player while everyone gathers on the couch or behind it to watch.

"Caleb, Marlene, both of you are in this video. Are you sure you want to watch it?" I ask, waiting for them to give me their okay. They have no idea what they're about to see, and it could end with them either breaking down or getting more memories back. The latter is what causes me to want them to stay.

"Like I said, we should watch it. It can't get much worse. And I think I'm going to find out how I hurt my arm," Caleb says.

I swallow. Yes, he will. They must have given him some painkillers, or he would definitely feel the wounds underneath the bandage I told him not to take off while we were waiting for Lauren on the roof.

"And you?" I ask Marlene. She seems unsure.

"I'll try, but if it gets too much, I'll leave."

"But you can't go wandering around the compound. You can only go next door, into the bedroom."

"I think you all have already made that pretty clear," she replies as she sits down on the armrest of the couch.

"Okay, let's start then," I sigh and push play.

The face of Jeanine Matthews shows up on the screen. She looks directly into the camera.

"Tris Prior. I hope this message finds its way to you. I'll safe us some time and get straight to the point.

I know you have knowledge about the secret operation Dauntless is realizing in cooperation with Erudite. I guess you didn't choose your accomplices wisely enough. How could you imagine you could really stop us on our way? You and a handful of so-called friends?

Listen, I'm convinced that you are Divergent, and I know that at least one of your friends is Divergent, too.

I'll give you two options now: You can stay where you are and I'll have you have an 'accident' soon - you know I have good connections to your faction. The other option is to turn yourself in to me. You could help us investigate what's wrong with your brain, so we can improve our serums. That way, you could make yourself useful after all.

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