24. What do YOU want?

Start from the beginning

"Justine. Wait." she froze. "At least let me walk you up" I grabbed her books from the backseat and got out.

By the time we got to her door we managed to say total of 2 words to each other.

"Thanks." word number 3. She unlocked her door and right before she walked in I grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry, I let my emotions get the best of me. You have every right to want to slap me in the face if you want to."

She grabbed the books from my hands and disappeared behind a now closed door.

"Fuck." I pressed my forhead against the door.

"Bradley?" I looked in the direction of the voice.

"Oh hey Sam."

"Trouble in paradise?" she smirked.

"It's complicated." I turned to walk away.

"Hey listen, there's a party tonight, you should come. Let a load off. Ya know?"

"Party? I don't know I-"

"Oh c'mon it's not like Justine actually cares." I looked back in the direction of Justine's door and shrugged. "I guess you're right, what's the address?"

"Got a car?"

"Yeah I do actually." I laughed.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" she laughed.


I sat my books down and as I turned walked to my bathroom I heard Sam's voice,

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

"That little bitch!" I opened my door just in time to see her wrap her scrawny little hands around his arm.

"Seriously?" I questioned.

"Oh hey Justine. I didn't know you were here." Sam smiled.

"Cut the bullshit Sam, you know damn well I was here.Yaknow, I knew something was up with you the moment I met you but, whatever. Enjoy your night. I have class tomorrow."

I shut my door and stripped myself of Bradley clothes, and his stupid scent. "Asshole!" I grabbed my teddy bear and threw myself onto my bed, tossing my phone across the room in the process.

After lying under my blanket angrily for about 20 minutes I fell into a dreamless sleep. When I woke up the next morning I had one thing in my mind. Getting to class early.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, put my hair in a bun, got dresses and out the door I went.

"Welcome to macroeconomics, today's class will be brief. You are free to leave after you've received your syllabus." I can already tell that Professor Conway would be my favorite professor. He's literally like an adult teenager...except he has a Santa Claus beard and a potbelly. He kind of reminds me of my old neighbor, may he rest in peace.

"Justine Halloway, I've heard great things about you, I presume you're enjoying the class so far?"

"Considering I get to leave after I receive a packet of papers, I grade this class an A+" I laughed as he handed my my papers.

"In that case, you're free to go! Enjoy the rest of your day, and I'll see you all back here on Wednesday. Correct?"

"Sure thing!" I waved and walked into the hallway checking my pockets. Where the hell is my phone, oh wait, yeah it's on the floor, right where I left it. Which reminds me I need to text my parents.

"Excuse me, miss?"

I cannot believe that asshole actually went out with Sam the Tramp last night, I mean yeah I don't know her but, precaution is necessary. I don't trust these girls.

"Miss?" I felt someone tap my shoulder. What the hell? Do you not see me pondering?

I cocked an eyebrow at the sudden intruder of my thoughts. Though I might add, his face made up for it. He had the most smooth caramel skin I've ever seen like, EVER.

"Justine, right?"

"Uh yeah, and you are?" I shifted my bag to my right shoulder as he walked beside me trying to match my pace.

"Tristan, Tristan Mathews. I kind of figured since we both have Professor Conway for 3 hours every class, I'd introduce myself." Thank you baby Jesus for sending this eye candy my way.

"Oh-um yeah, well now that we're formally introduced I'll see you on Wednesday?"

"Right you will, I'll see you around Justine." He smiled before taking 2 steps back and turning to walk away. Ok so maybe I'm not as hideous as I thought I was? Guys like that don't talk to girls like me.

**********A/N I'M SORRYYYYYYY GUYS!!!! SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY! DON'T HATE ME! Feel free to comment about your anger towards this chapter I welcome it with open arms haha it gets worse before it gets better. Thank you guys for sticking around.*********

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