Chapter 174

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We walk inside and they take us outside to a table where Kayla and josh are smiling and talking. Kayla turns and smiles,


"Hi" I smile and hug her, "Hey josh"

"Hi Skylar" he smiles as I sit down next to Kayla.

"Josh meet my boyfriend Adym, Adym meet Josh" I introduce them

"Nice to meet you" they both say as Adym sits down.

"So you guys have a family trip too?" Josh asks

Adym nods, "Yeah our two families got together because it's Skylars birthday in two days"

"Shit" Josh smiles, "Congrats"

"Thanks" I smile shyly

"wait.. two families?" Josh looks at Kayla

"Yeah" Kayla nods, "Adym's my brother"

"Oh so you and Adym are siblings?" He clarifys

"Yeah" Kayla agrees

"So is it just you and Adym?" Josh questions

"Nah I got another brother, Sawyer" Kayla explains

"Was he gonna go surfing with Nick?" I ask Adym

Adym shakes his head, "no him and Kaitlyn we're going to do their own thing today"

"Oh okay" I shrug

"You surf?" Josh asks Adym

"I've surfed a couple times but I mean not often for someone who lives like an hour from the beach" Adym chuckles

"Where do you live again?" He questions

"LA" Adym answers

"Oh shit I live in San Jose" Josh chuckles

"Damn you're not that far" Adym smiles

"Deadass" Josh laughs

"Aye so I was boutta go surf with sky's brother after this. You down to go?" Adym offers

"I'm down" he laughs

After lunch

All through out lunch we had something to talk about. After the guys pay they rush to go change into their swimsuits and surf.

"So that went amazing" I smile

"I didn't expect that at all" Kayla laughs

"So how old is he?" I ask

"Same age as me" kay replies

"You got a good one" I smile

"I hope so." She blushes and watches them walk off

"So you down to shop or sum?" I ask

Kayla smiles, "Yeah I'm down"

We both take my keys for the rental car and drive to some stores and shop. As we shop we find multiple outfits to get.


I'm sitting next to Adym and Kayla along with our families around the bonfire near the beach. As our parents talk I lean my head against Adym and look at Kay,

"I got an idea"

"Hm?" Kayla looks at me

"You should invite josh-"

"Here? No. With my family? I don't think so.. we just met-"

"Kayla I meant invite him over and you guys go get dessert or something then take a walk on the beach. Get to know each other." I explain

"I dunno.." Kayla sighs, "He makes me really nervous but like.. in a good way"

Adym pulls out his camera and vlogs a little bit as Kayla and I talk.

"Just try to get to know him" I smile

"Can you and Adym come?" She asks

We turn and look at Adym then back at each other as I continue, "You think bringing your brother on a double date is a good idea?"

She shrugs, "I just want you to go but you don't wanna be the third wheel."

"True but you think Adym's gonna be protective like Nick is with me?" I question

Kayla blushes when I say Nick but quickly looks away.

"Um I don't think so.." she murmurs

Suddenly we hear Adyms voice, "What're y'all talking about?"

We turn and see Adym pointing his camera our way. He zooms in on me and smiles,

"Aww you're adorable"

"Shut up" I blush and push him away.

"Pushy" he notes

"wait" I stop him, "Okay no cap do you think you can be good on a double date?"

"Yeah. Of course why would I not-"

"With your sister and josh?" I interrupt

Adym thinks for a couple seconds, "Yeah He's pretty chill."

"Okay cool-"

"Wait when?" He asks

"Dunno yet" we say

"Let me know cause we were gonna surf with nick again" Adym informs us

"So y'all are friends?" Kayla asks

"I mean sort of" Adym shrugs

"Okay then can you do me a favor?" I ask

"Sure" He smiles

"Okay ask if he's into anyone right now" I state

Adym gives me a weird look, "You want me, your boyfriend, to ask if he's into anyone-"

"Not me" I interrupt, "Like if he's into Kayla."

"Oh okay.. but you do realize he probably might not tell me right? I mean yeah guys are honest about shit like this but we don't really know each other still" Adym explains

"Wait tori" Kayla panics, "No it'll be obvious and what if-"

"No it won't" I reassure her, "It'll just seem like a big brother looking out for his sister"

"Are you sure?" She asks

"I mean unless you want me to have nick do-"

"No no no it's fine" Kayla interrupts, "Just have Adym do it but Adym don't make it obvious Alright?"

"K" Adym shrugs, "Girls really do overthink stuff-"

"Shut up" I hit Adym's arm

"Wait so why do you guys want me to do this if he asked you on a date?" Adym asks

"It was to hang out" I clarify, "But still, that's true. But I mean we wanna know for sure. We don't wanna waste our time-"

"We? What's this we shit?" Adym eyes me

"She's my bestfriend" I roll my eyes, "She likes a guy then that means I gotta do my thing as a bestfriend and find out who he is and see if what he says is true"


"I have my ways" I shrug


Best friends brotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora