Chapter 31

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  As I'm sleeping, I suddenly hear a knock on the door and my mom's voice, "Honey, can I come in?" 

End of recap

Skylars Pov

CRAP! I jump up, looking at Adym who is slowly waking up.

I scream back, "Hold on!!"

Starting to panic, I think fast and push Adym off the bed. Adym lands on the floor (If you're wondering, he's on the side where the flowers are) by the window.

I hear Adym groan quietly and I lean over the bed whispering, "Sorry. My someones here so go under the bed and stay quiet. Got it? k."

Adym rubs his eyes and he goes under the bed while I get under the covers again and turn the tv down, "Come in"

My mom walks in, smiling, "Hey honey."

I smile, trying not to show that I just pushed my boyfriend off the bed and hid him under my bed, "Hey mom. Sorry, I couldn't hear you so I went to turn the remote down but I couldn't find it so, it took me a few seconds to find it."

Mom nods, "That's fine. Well, I just came to tell you we're leaving. Nick should be leaving soon. Got any plans today? Nick said you had plans."

I laugh, "yeah, as in plans to do nothing. But if something comes up, I'll let you know okay?"

Mom laughs, "Okay, text me."

I give my mom a hug and she leaves my room, shutting the door behind her.

After waiting for a few seconds, I roll over and peek under the bed, "You alright?"

Adym looks at me, "I guess.... I'm just trying to figure out what just happen.."

How do I say this nicely??.... "Um...Well...You see..."

Adym looks at me expectantly, "yeah?......."

I laugh lightly, "It's nothing... I just pushed you off the bed and told you to hide...You know...for fun... Ha..ha..?"

Adym looks at me, obviously not buying it, "So you just pushed me off the bed for fun? As in a game?"

Looking away, I can't look at Adym knowing what i'm about to do.. "Yeah.. Well, there was a scene on the Tv that scared me and I jumped and ya know.. Accidently pushed you off. Oh, and I'm sorry by the way. I've fallen out of bed before and I know it hurts.."

He looks me in the eye, his head turning to the side slightly, "Okayyy.... So your mom and dad left for work?"

Oh crap he heard... I mean of course he heard Skylar, like no shit sherlock "Yeah..Again, I'm sorry. I pushed you off the bed.." 

Feeling the need to continue I think of something quick, "After I pushed you off the bed, I got a knock and I thought it was Nick.. But once I realized it was my mom, I thought it would be weird for you to just come out from under the bed then my mom would never trust me.."

Standing up, Adym sits next to me and chuckles, looking down, "I get that.. So, Nicks still mad at me?"

Oh crap.. The moment I get myself out of a situation, I say one wrong word and another situation starts!!!!!

Skylar: What? Ugh, I don't know actually.... I mean, I think everything's good... I haven't heard otherwise... To be honest, I haven't heard anything about the issue. As far as I know, everything's good...

Looking at Adym, even though his heads down, I see him frown and everything's silent until he sighs and speaks, "Skylar, I'm sorry."

What?! Sorry for what?! HE did nothing!! I blame Nick!! "What?"

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