Chapter 128

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Next day

I wake up around 9 am and go downstairs where the kids are up and doing their homework. Pablo runs downstairs and runs over to the kids for some attention. I yawn as I make some coffee and sit on the couch and go on my phone. As I look through my email, I get an email asking If I wanna do a meet n greet. Should I? I mean would people actually wanna meet me? Pulling up Instagram, I have people vote on whether or not i should have a meet n greet. 
After I post the poll on insta I go upstairs and begin getting ready.

  After I post the poll on insta I go upstairs and begin getting ready

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As I fix my shirt, Adym wakes up and watches me

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As I fix my shirt, Adym wakes up and watches me.

"Hey babygirl" he smiles.

"Morning baby" I say, pecking his lips.

Adym goes on his phone for a few minutes before asking, "Hey is Nick alright?"

"Why?" I question, putting on lipstick.

"I texted him asking if he wanted to link up soon for a youtube video but he never got back to me." Adym explains.

"I dunno" I say, "He's probably just busy."

"He left me on read." Adym adds, "That's why I'm asking if everything's okay."

I shrug, "Probably he forgot to text you back?"

"Should I call him?" He asks.

"If you want." I reply.

Adym dials Nick and it rings. After one ring it goes to voicemail.

"He just declined the call" Adym says.

"Maybe he's at work?" I shrug, trying to avoid the fact that my brother and I aren't on good terms.

"I guess.." Adym says, "Are you sure nothing's going on? I mean he seemed pretty mad at me."

"Oh" is all I say.

"Do you know something?" Adym asks, sitting up and throwing on a shirt.

"Umm..." I say thinking, "I don't-"

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