Chapter 147

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Next day

I wake up at 8 am to get ready. By the time I'm ready It's 9:15 am so it's perfect timing to get my things onto the tour bus. Before we leave I take a picture and post it on instagram.


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I'm omw ✈


User1: What a queen omgggg😍😍

User2: Can't wait to see you!!!

Therealriccotho: Damn thats my girlfriend😍😘👅

As I walk toward the tour bus Jacobs walking there too. He sees me and tries to smile but I turn my head. We reach the tour bus at the same time and Jacob stops.

"Lady's first" he smiles.

I shake my head as I continue walking. Jacob walks in behind me to set down his stuff.

"So are you excited for Vegas?" He asks.

While I continue to put my things away Jacob keeps talking.

"I didn't see you at breakfast.." Jacob mentions.

After 5 minutes Jacob's seriously annoying me.


"Look Jacob" I say, "Don't think you can come around here acting like nothings wrong. You clearly remember last night and blaming everything on me. But Imma tell you right now I'm not some fangirl of yours. I'm not gonna fall all over you the minute you look my way and the minute you don't get your way I'm not gonna chase after you and be like do whatever you want." No. So just because you didn't hear a yes when you asked me on a date that doesn't give you a reason to be a dick. I'm sick of it Jacob alright? I'm not gonna take it."

Jacob looks down sadly as Daniel, Ariel and Loren walk in.

"Hey I heard arguing what's- oh.." Daniel starts.

They all take one look at us and freeze.

"Is everything okay?" Ariel asks nervously.

I roll my eyes and walk back to my bed to put my stuff away.

"I'll take that as a no" Daniel says.

"Jacob can you um.. Walk with me to get my bags?" Ariel asks.

"No worries I just came to set my things down. Imma go to Starbucks anyway." He states.

As Jacob walks out Daniel goes to say something but Ariel and Loren shoot a glare at him. Once Jacob's out of earshot Daniel turns to us,

"You're just gonna let that happen?!"

"What?" Loren shrugs.

"You're just gonna let him leave?!" He exclaims.

"They need some space." Ariel puts simply.

"So Skylar stays and he automatically leaves?!" He questions.

Loren shrugs, "She left dinner last night."

"That was her choice Loren!!' Daniel points out.

"Calm down you guys!" I sigh, "It's no big deal alright?"

"So just because he's a guy he has to leave?!" Daniel asks.

Ariel speaks up, "Well he was closest to the door. Besides he didn't have to leave Daniel. I mean we all knew it was gonna be awkward if he stayed-"

"But we're gonna be driving for hours so where's he gonna go?!" Daniel mutters.

"Daniel calm down" I say.

Loren sighs, "You're making things worse for Skylar. Daniel just cool it-"

"See?!" Daniel exclaims, "You guys only care about Skylars feelings!! What about Jacobs feelings?!"

"First of all since when are you on his side?" Ariel questions, "Second, we care about both of them. But this is Sky's first tour and we'll all be in a bus together for a long period so it's best for us all to cool down so things don't get worse."

Daniel rolls his eyes, "Sure. Don't act like you care about his feelings."

"Daniel just shut up alright?!" I growl.

He looks over at me, staring me down. We both look hard at each other until Daniel looks away and walks off the bus.

9:45 am

As I sit with the girls on the couch in the bus, Daniel and Jacob walk in awkwardly. We make eye contact for a few seconds before I shrug and look away. Graces stands up from her seat in the front and states,

"Okay so we're heading to Las Vegas next!! It's gonna be a while so I mean you guys obviously can move around and do things but guys remember to stay in your bedroom section and girls stay in your bedroom section. Clear?"

We all nod and begin talking.

"Out of all the tours I've been on, this has never been more stressful" Ariel states.

"Same" Loren agrees.

"Guys can I tell you something?" I mumble.

The girls look at me nervously.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"Are you okay?" Loren questions.

"Okay.. I'm thinking about leaving tour." I explain.

"Is it because of the boys?!" Ariel exclaims, "You can't leave.."

"No please stay" Loren pleads.

"Don't tell anyone. I mean nobody. It's not for sure yet." I whisper.

The girls look up and glare at the boys who watch me intently.

As I sit there awkwardly I get a text..


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