chapter 45

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Kayla glares at me for a few seconds before hugging me back. We hug for a few minutes before standing up.

"I missed my best friend." I say.

"You still consider me your best friend?" She asks shocked.

"Yeah... Are you okay?" I say, searching her face.

"Yeah.. I just feel bad. I got mad at you for dating one of my brothers. I should've expected it but, just knowing 2 of the people I love so much are dating.. I thought if you dated, things would change.. You might choose him over me. Ya know, i figured you might ignore me. I didn't know what would happeb.. I'm sorry, i guess i was jealous.."

"Seriously? You're my best friend! We've gotten in so much trouble together and done so much. We've stuck together through it all. I wouldn't leave you." Silence fills the air after I say that.

Kayla looks at me, "what?"

"I um.." I say, "I might be going to college at UCLA.."

"Really?" She perks up.

I nod sadly and Kayla hugs me, "I'm going to! We can get in trouble together."

I laugh. We talk for another 10 minutes before going to the pier to walk around. We shop all day and talk.

End of the day

At the end of the day, we go home and I go to my room. After getting home, I take a quick shower and throw a grey PINK shirt on with some matching sweatpants. Spreading out on the bed, I get on my bed and pull my laptop out to watch Stranger Things. After an hour or two, I hear my parents walk in the house. A few minutes later, my mom walks upstairs and knocks on my door.

"Come in!" I call.

My mom walks in and tells me dinners ready. She turns to go, but stops and walks closer to me.

"What?" I question.

"What?..." She looks harder, "Is that a hickey?"

Shit. "A what?"

K, skylar just play dumb.. "On your neck?"

"Ummmm.. What's that again?" I question.

"It is!" She exclaims, "From Adym?"

I look at her, trying to give her my best 'I don't know what you're talking about' facial expression.

My mom doesn't buy it.. She crosses her arms and simply says, "Dinners ready. Down stairs now."

And like that, she's out of my room and knocking on Nicks door to tell him dinners ready. Welp, I'm fucked... Once one problem is solved, another occurs. I swear I can't win in life. Guess I better get down stairs, my moms already pissed and I'm not boutta make things worse. Slowly, I get up and go downstairs. Before leaving my room, I throw some concealer on my hickeys and walk towards the door. Knowing my mom, she'll be telling my dad about the hickeys. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, I see dinner on the table and my parents getting ready to sit down. Sitting down, Nick kicks my foot and I look at him. He mouths the words, "What's wrong?" I look at my parent's who are talking and I mouth bavk, "Mom saw the hickeys." Nicks eyes get wide and he shakes his head and continues to eat.

After dinner, I go to my room to hide away from my parents. Knowing them, they'll talk about it before going to bed. They'll usually have a punishment or something to say before they go to work. That means I have some time to figure out my next move.... Okay Skylar, think... What do I do about this? Deny it? No, she saw it.. Concealer? No, it can come off... Lock my door? They'll be even more mad.. Run and hide away for life? Sounds good....

Okay it's a short chapter ik but I'm writing this at 11:38 pm and I'm tired. I'll have a chapter ready tomorrow❤ ily guys❤❤❤

Insta: myflopadym

Snap: that1gurl_katie

Twitter: foreverrloveemee

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