chapter 47

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I turn to see Dylan Pederson walking up to me, flashing his big, bright, smile.

"Heyyyy Dylan.." I say.

Kayla looks at me and doesn't say anything.

"I thought I saw you..." he says," Hey Kayla"

Kayla nods and Dylan keeps smiling at me, "So you getting ready for college?"

"Yeah... What about you?" I ask.

"Same. Where are you going? We might go to the same college." He says biting his lip like he's smooth.

Kayla looks at him and rolls her eyes, "There's many colleges to choose from. Shes has multiple colleges that want her."

Dylan looks at Kay then back at me, "Nice... So what college do you like the most?"

"Stanford. But I like UCLA to." I say.

"So is it just you two?" He asks.

"No." I say, "Adym and Sawyer are here. We're on our way to go meet them.."

We turn to leave and Dylan says, "Wait.. Do you wanna hang out sometime?"

"Umm.. I don't think so..." I smile and turn to leave.

"Ight but you have my number so hit me up and we can do something.. I'll take care of you. We can just hang out as friends.." He says with a smirk.

Suddenly I hear, "She's taken."

Dylan turns to find Adym and Sawyer, "By you?"

Adym nods and Dylan rolls his eyes, "Okay, well all I did was talk to Skylar. I've known her for a long time so chill."

Adym glares at him and I get between them, facing Adym.

"It's fine, we were just talking. Come on babe." I say grabbing Adym's hand and walking past Dylan.

We begin to walk off and Kayla looks at me. By the look on her face, I know she feels awkward. We continue to walk and I know Adym's a little jealous so I ask if everyone wants to go to the food court. We all agree and walk to the food court. Kay and I get a smoothie and sit to wait for the boys to get Starbucks.

After we have our drinks, we go to walk to H&M and I can see Dylan and his group walking by. I'm holding hands with Adym and I feel his grip get tighter as he sees Dylan. Before we walk in, we kiss and he smirks. Sawyer and Kayla begin to look around as Adym and I talk.

"So" adym looks at me, "Whats the deal with Dylan?"

"We're just friend's. I've known him for a long time." I reply.

"I saw him smirk though. The way he acted, it's like you've done more than talk." Adym says, still annoyed.

"Adym, calm down. He's asked me out tons of times and he's always tried to get to me, but I never let him. He's just a fuckboy.." I explain.

Adym searches my eye's for an answer before saying, "Okay babygirl... I love you."

We kiss and begin walking around the store.

3 hours later

I text Nick to ask if we can come home. He tells me everything's ready so we get the boys in the car. As we near our homes, I pull 2 blindfolds out of one of my bags and tie one behind each boy.

Adym laughs as I put it on, "What're you guys doing?"

We pull up in front of the house and lead the boys to the door. As I lead Sawyer to the front, Sawyer squirms around, not knowing what's happening. We open the door and the boys take off the blindfold.

Adym has a big smile on his face as he says, "What the fuck?!"

"Is this for us?!" Sawyer asks, amazed.

Everyone says yes and explain what it's for. We sit down and talk for a while before swimming.

Skip to later that night

As my family walks the Yorba's out, Adym runs back for his Jacket and gives me a quick hug and kiss.

As we hug, I breath in his wonderful scent, "Do you really have to go tomorrow?"

"Yes. I'm sorry babygirl. Imma miss you like crazy." He answers.

We release each other from our hugs and he walks to the door. As they walk across the street to go home, I think about when he's leaving in the morning. Smiling, I think of when he asked me out. It's 9:00 and everyone's getting ready for bed.

As I'm heading up the stairs my mom calls my name saying, "Can we talk real quick?"

I nod and meet my parents in the kitchen... Okay.. It's boutta go down..

"So we've been thinking" my mom says.

"I've been thinking as well." I reply.

"Yeah but I'm sure it's about different things." My dad says looking at me.

My mom continues, "Honey, we love you. But......"


Heyyyy. How's your day?

 How's your day?

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I love him❤

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