chapter.. ight i lost count...

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K sooo before the story starts, y'all i fucked up...... When writing chapter whatever it was, I forgot about the condom part until someone pointed it out (thank you btw) Soooo.... Should there be a turn in the story or just continue and I add they used a condom? Y'all idk so just comment or something..

Skylars pov

For the past hour, I've been sitting in my room trying to figure out what I should do to explain myself... Looking at my phone, I see It's going on 7 pm... My parents are going to bed soon.. As I'm thinking about what to do I get a text from Adym..

Adym and Skylars texts

Adym❤: Hey BBgirl wyd?

Skylar: Nothing. How was the meeting?

Look, I know you're prolly thinking, why aren't you telling him?! Instead you just send nothing!! I know I didn't tell him but I didn't wanna worry him.

Adym❤: It was great, I'm getting ready to make some big moves!

Skylar: That's amazing!!

Adym❤: I shouldn't tell anyone, but one thing we're getting ready for is a meet and greet in LA.

Skylar: Imagine the amount of people who will show up to meet you❤ congrats BB

Adym❤: If it all works out, then we're gonna do a meet and greet in Sacramento, then hopefully go outta state.

Skylar: Aww BB you're doing great😘

Adym❤: Thanks BBgirl😘 How was your day?

Skylar: Good I hung out with Kay

I was in the middle of typing when I heard my mom mention my name. Quickly I text Adym and tell him I gotta do something but I'll text him before I go to bed. Throwing my phone on the bed, I quietly open my door and creep over by the stairs to listen to my parents conversation. All I hear is whispering so, I creep down the stairs and lean against the wall to the Living room.

Mom: So, I went to tell Skylar dinners ready, and I noticed she had something on her neck. I looked closer and I saw a hickey... A hickey David!!!

Dad: Are you sure you really saw it?

Mom: I swear!! And I think it's from Adym. David, he's a good boy as far as Im concerned, it's just I don't know if they're a good match.

Dad: Come on, we've known him since they brought him home. We've known the Yorba's for a long time. I mean, I don't know about them dating but honey, it's Skylar. She can be hard headed at times..

I glare at the wall as if mt parent's can see me. As I continue to listen, I sit down on the floor.

Mom: So?! She's our daughter!!

Dad sighs, "Yes, our 18 year old daughter. She's now counted an adult."

Mom: So?! She lives under our roof!! David what're we gonna do?!

Dad: it's a hickey on our 18 year old daughter.. We can't do much. She is of age to move out.

Mom: No. I don't care. If she has hickeys then that means there's a good chance they had sex!! Do I need to remind you of Adym's age? There's a 2 year difference. I'm fine with it, it's just a guy like Adym has probably had sex multiple times.

Dad: Your point is?

Mom: She's 18. I don't want her to feel pressured. When we were 18 we were dumb as hell. You didn't mature until we had kids!! Picture a 20 year old guy that acted just like you did when you were 20, same decisions. Okay?

Dad nods and mom continues, "Okay, now picture our daughter. Now, picture the guy and Skylar dating."

I peek and see my dad's facial expression completely change, "Oh no.."

My mom nods, "So what're we gonna do?"

"I don't know.. Emily, I told you we can't do anything!!" My dad responds.

My mom sighs, "Fine. I'll do something."

I hear my mom stand up, quickly I roll over and scramble to the stairs. Running quietly up the stairs, I open my door, shut it and flop on my bed. Quickly, I hide my phone and grab a pencil and notebook and scribble something on it.

The door opens and I see my mom standing there, "Hey honey, what're you doing?"

"Drawing" I say smiling.

I lean my head agaist a pillow so my mom can't see the other hickeys that I covered up previously.

"Okay, well..." Silence fills the air, I can tell she's thinking, "I wanted to know if I can take you to Starbucks tomorrow before work? I just thought, you know.. We never talk as much.. So if you can get up early, we can go.. Alright?"

Oh my god, I'm not dumb I know this is a set-up but I smile anyway and say, "Yeah, That'd be nice.."

Mom smiles and leaves the room, alright I got a few hours tp figure out what imma do. Okay, if I put concealer on she won't know.. Right?

10:00 pm

I'm laying on my bed, scrolling through social media when Nick knocks on my door.

Nick walks in quietly, "So, you got caught?"

"Mom wants to take me to Starbucks in thw morning. I already know hot it works, we go to Starbucks and drive back, taking the long way so we can talk. As we talk, she'll slowly bring up the "mark" on my neck and she continues to drive in a busy street so I'm trapped in thw car and forced to answer. If I don't answer, things get worse." I say.

"Damn, you've definitely learned." Nick says amazed.

"Yeah, I guess." I say smiling.

"Let me know if you need my help or anything" he says leaving.

I walk to my closet and change into my sweats and shirt and return to my bed. Before I go to bed, I text Adym...

Skylar: I'm glad you had a good day. Ily BB❤ gn😘

Adym quickly texts me back..

Adym❤: Gn BBgirl❤ ilysfm😘

I plug my phone in to charge, closing my eyes I try to go to sleep. All I can think about is tomorrow..

Sup babessss how's life????? How'd you like this chapter? Did you read the part where I fucked up? It's at the top^^^^^ ily guys❤

Sorry if the spellings wrong, I'm to lazy to read it✌

Sorry if the spellings wrong, I'm to lazy to read it✌

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