Chapter 110

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Juvenile Hall

Adym and I park and rush inside. As soon as we enter the doors, we have to be patted down before continuing. I look around and see about 20 people. Once we do, I see a lady at the front desk and immediately run to her,

"I'm here for Riley Cortez?"

She nods and types something in the computer, "One sec."

The woman reaches over to a radio and says, "I need a Riley Cortez. Her guardian is here."

She turns and hands me some papers, "Are you a parent or guardian to her?"

"Yes I'm a guardian." I reply.

"Okay and can I see your drivers license?" She asks.

I show her everything she needs before I sit down to fill out the papers.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"She's on her way but you have to finish the paperwork first and talk to the police officer." She explains.

I nod and continue to fill out the paperwork as Adym sits and looks around. It takes me about 25 minutes to fill out the paperwork and give it to the lady.

"Okay let me just finalize this and then they'll have the police officer explain everything before bringing her out." She explains.

I turn and go and sit down with Adym. As we sit there, I can't help but panick. What am I gonna tell her mom?! Adym notices me as I panic and he puts his hand on my thigh and looks into my eyes,

"Everything's gonna be okay."

I take a deep breath and rest my head on his shoulder. Pretty soon a police officer walks out and says,

"Skylar Drake?"

I raise my hand and walk over.

"Hi" he smiles, "So Riley's fine. We got a call earlier today that there was a fight at Tilly's and the manager claimed it was disrupting the public's peace. So we took the girls aside and asked what happened. They explained and we had asked for their parent or gaurdians number and Riley had got mad and asked why and I had to ask a few times but she still wouldn't say so we took her here. This whole time we've been asking for a number to call but she wouldn't give it to us. But a few minutes before she gave it to us she told us she didn't wanna give it to us because it was a dumb reason and she said she didn't wanna stress anyone out. But she's here and we just need you to sign a few more papers so we can release her to you."

"Thank you." I say.

I turn towards the desk so I can sign some papers. Once everything's signed, I go back and sit down for what seems like forever. Pretty soon, I hear my name called again and a police officer walks out with Riley in cuffs. They stop walking and he takes the cuffs of her and gives her the phone. She takes her phone and walks over to me, trying to see how I feel but I try to hide my emotions.

"Hey.." She says, trying to smile.

"Hi" I say, "Let's go."

We walk over to Adym and they say hi before we walk to the car. Everyone gets into the car and we drive home. By the time we get home it's going on 10 pm since I picked up Riley subway because we had pizza without her. The whole way home, it was silent. We get home and Reyna and Jordan are already in bed. We walk into the house Riley looks at me and I look at her.

"Goodnight." I say, heading upstairs.

Riley looks at me, stunned, "Goodnight.."

As I turn the corner, going up the stairs, I see Adym looking at us, not knowing what to say. He says goodnight to Riley before quickly following me up the stairs. We walk into the bedroom and he shuts the door.

"Adym I know I promised we could do something tonight but I'm just really exhausted.and not in the mood right now." I explain.

"Babygirl, it's fine." He says, "But what about Riley? You guy's didn't talk the whole way home and I mean, don't you have something to say to her??"

I sigh, "Yeah."

As I walk into the bathroom, I look at myself and remember I left my charger down stairs. Walking to the door, I head for the kitchen. As I walk downstairs, I see Riley at the bottom of the stairs, still stunned. She sees me and tries to smile as I reach the bottom of the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and grab my charged before heading back to the stairs. Riley stops me,

"Sky please. I know you're mad and I know you wanna punish me. I'm sorry but this girl was pushing me and I told her to stop and she wouldn't so I hit her. I know it was dumb but I got pissed ofd and I don't know why I argued with the police officer-"

I interrupt her, "Disappointed."

"What?" She asks.

"I'm not mad, I'm disappointed. You know what, I don't even know how to feel. All I know is I'm not about to talk about this with you tonight. We'll talk about it tomorrow. Goodnight." I say, heading back up the stairs.

"Goodnight.." She mumbles.


Okay so I did an extra chapter because I didn't update yesterday but I gotta go work on my new book and maybe update my other book.. Idk but I'm mad atm because someone ate the two pieces of pizza I had in the fridge with MY FRICKING NAME ON IT. Who tf does that?! Yes. I'm mad over that. Judge me💀

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