Chapter 135

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"Yeah?" He replies.

"So.. If you had a girlfriend and you were talking about kids.. Let's say, she didn't want kids at the moment and you did.. You know maybe she was too busy at the moment or something like that.. Would you leave her for that? I dunno... Maybe find someone else?" I ask.

Sawyer looks at me as if he's trying to piece something together, "Does this question have to do with anyone in particular?"

"What? No.. Sawyer just answer the question.." I huff.

He nods, "Well I mean if I really loved her then I would respect her answer and wait until she's ready. But I mean if I didn't have feelings for someone then I wouldn't be dating.. I mean I don't wanna mess around with girls feelings. You girls can seriously get hurt even over the smallest things.. But I mean guys need you around so um.. I don't see why someone would cheat."

I nod slowly..

"Do you wanna talk about something?" Sawyer questions.

"I mean.. It's just now that I'm going on tour.. I'm.. I'm scared. Ya know?" I explain.

"Um.. Not really." Sawyer mumbles.

"Okay so don't bring this up to Adym right now but we were talking and Adym had said he wanted kids. But I'm only 19 and I know I turn 20 this year but still.. I wannt wait until I'm older.." I state.

Sawyer nods, "Well it's between you guys but if you guys want kids then go for it. If you wanna wait then wait."

I take a deep breath, "You're right.."

"Anything else?" Sawyer asks, concerned.

I exhale a shaky breath, "I'm.. Sawyer I'm scared.."

"What do you mean?" He questions.

"Tour.. What if something happens?" I mumble.

"Like what?" He asks.

"What if Adym finds another girl? I mean.. What if I'm.not enough for him? I'm so scared Sawyer.. While I'm gone anything can happen. Besides what if something happens to me on tour? I'll be on my own Sawyer.. It's just me and some people I don't really know. They never told me who I'm going with." I shrug.

"You'll be fine. Adym would never cheat Skylar you know he loves you. I mean-"

Suddenly Adym walks downstairs interrupting the conversation. He walks over and sits next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Soo.. What'd i miss?" He asks.

"Nothing really.." I lie, "Just um.. Looking for a movie to watch. Any ideas?"

Adym eyes us for a second. What if he heard us?!

"Not really" he shrugs.

I yawn, "Okay well I wanted to film a youtube video tomorrow and get some things done before I leave so.. I better go to bed."

Adym stands up, "I will too."

We both walk upstairs, the tense feeling still remaining. Adym shuts the bedroom door and takes off his shirt before flopping into bed. Meanwhile, I change into some Calvin Klein shorts and shirt before getting into bed. Adym smirks as he watches me.

"Babygirl you look like a fucking snack.." He says as I lay in bed.

I laugh, "You do realise I'm actually going to bed right? So i can't take care of your boner when you get one."

He chuckles, "I love you so much. Even your little attitude is cute."

I kiss him, "I love you too. You know I couldn't tolerate anyone else's whining except yours."

Next morning

I wake up around 10 am to the sound of yelling.

Adym growns as he rolls over, "Who is that making all the noise?"

"Riley, Reyna and Jordan.." I yawn, turning on my side and shutting my eyes.

"What the hell are they doing?!" Adym complains, grumpy.

"I dunno." I say, trying to go back to sleep.

The yelling between the three kids continues to get louder and louder. Now even Pablos barking. My phone buzzes letting me know I got a text from Sawyer.

Sawyer: Is that you making the noise?

Skylar: The kids.

Sawyer: Oh.

Adym and I try to go back to sleep but we can't. Finally, I get out of bed and stumble over to the stairwell balcony and hear the kids arguing in the kitchen.

"Riley, Reyna, and Jordan get over here now." I command.

Everything goes silent including Pablo. The kids slowly walk over by the stairs.

"Oh heyyy Skylar.." Riley mumbles.

I look at the kids, annoyed, "Why are you guys making all this noise right now? I understand it's 10 am but I would still like peace and quiet to start off my day!!"

"Well.. Ya see... Um.." Reyna says.

"We wanted cereal for breakfast but Reyna just had to have pancakes so Riley and Reyna argued about the stove rule and um.. Things go out of hand?" Jordan explains.

I sigh, "Okay.. I'm up. I'm tired but I'm up. Whatever.. I'll do breakfast. Give me ten minutes to get dressed but I want silence until the boys get up. Got it?"

They nod as I walk back to my room

Adym lays sprawled out on the bed looking at me, "Come on. I'll take us out to breakfast."

I nod as I begin looking for clothes to wear. As ai look through the closet my phone begins to ring. So, I walk over and answer it,



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