Chapter 155

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He smiles, "Hey"

"Oh.. hey" I let it an awkward laugh.

"It's been a minute" he smiles.

"Ugh yeah it has.." I state, "So how's college?"

"Amazing so far" he beams, "I do miss you though"

"You'll get over it" I shrug awkwardly.

Suddenly the kids walk up and look at him.

"you're not her boyfriend.." Reyna says suspiciously.

"So go away" Jordan adds.

"Shut up! Both of y'all need some manners." Riley slaps their arms.

"You guys this is an old friend.." I say awkwardly, "Um, Riley, Reyna, Jordan meet Dylan.."

Dylan looks at them, clearly confused, "You ugh.. you never told me you had kids.. but Riley's looks like she's 15?"

I look at Dylan, annoyed, "Bruh what? No these are my little cousins."

"That makes more sense" he nods awkwardly.

"No duh" Reyna rolls her eyes while drinking her juice.

"Dang child do you ever shut up??" Riley huffs.

Dylan chuckles, "They're pretty funny though "

"Sometimes.." I say while giving them a "be nice" look.

"So um.. how's your parents?" I ask.

Dylan sighs and looks down, "It's whatever I guess.."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked. It wasn't really my business." I apologize.

"No it's cool they love you. Besides we're good friends so I mean it's no big deal." He shrugs it off.

He turns to the kids, "So are you guys hanging out with her just for the day?"

"We go home tomorrow" Reyna explains.

"They stayed for a bit" I add, "It was fun."

He nods, "Well you guys have an amazing cousin."

The kids smile and nod in agreement. While we talk I get a text from Adym.

Adym🔐💞: hey baby girl I was thinking maybe we can take the kids to dinner tonight?

I put my phone in my pocket as Dylan looks at me awkwardly, "Um I should get going.. see you around?"

"Hey.." I say as he turns to leave, "Um if you ever need to talk just let me know."

A small smile appears on his face, "Thanks.."

We all say goodbye and begin walking around again.

"Who's he?" Jordan asks.

"A friend of mine. We grew up together." I inform him

The kids nod as we continue shopping. We decide to walk into H&M to look around. The kids all go to their section and begin shopping while I look in my department. As I hold up a pair of jeans to look at I get a call from Adym.


"Hey baby girl"

"Hey baby sorry I didn't tex you back I got distracted and I totally forgot to answer you "

"It's fine I just called to check on you since you didn't answer. So how's dinner sound?"

"It sounds good. Where do you wanna go?"

"I know the kids really like pizza so I'm thinking California pizza?"

"Yeah they'll enjoy that. What time do you wanna go?"

"Around 5? It's usually busy so I'll make a reservation."

"Sounds good baby"

"I love you babygirl, bye"

"Bye baby, love you too"

3 pm

We walk into the house with all our bags and the kids are so excited for every thing they got.

"Thank you so much Sky!!" Reyna exclaims

"Thank you" Riley beams

"I love everything I got" Jordan says happily.

Adym walks into the living room and smiles, "Hey how was shopping?"

"I loved it!!" Reyna squeals

"Amazing" Riley nods

"I got a lot of stuff" Jordan says

"and he usually hates shopping" Riley laughs.

"Oh and Sky talked to Dylan. He seems nice" Reyna informs a Adym.

Adym turns his attention to me as I explain, "We just ran into each other and talked for a few minutes."

Adym nods slowly, "Okay.."

"Okay you guys make sure you're ready to go to dinner by 4:45 Okay?" I announce.

The kids nod and sit on the couch to play with Pablo. I walk upstairs to shower while Adym follows me upstairs.

"So uh.. how's Dylan?" He questions.

"He's having a hard time with his parents split." I reply.

"So did he hang out with you or something?" He asks.

I turn and face Adym, "Adym I'm yours and only yours. We didn't hang out we just ran into each other as I was throwing my lunch away."

"Oh" he says while going on his phone, "You sure he didn't try to kiss you or ask you or like last time?"

"Adym he didn't do that. We just chatted for a minute or two alright?" I shrug while walking into the bathroom.

"Mhm" Adym replies sarcastically

I ignore his comment as I turn on the hot water and shut the door to shower.


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