chapter 49

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As Adym and Sawyer are getting ready to get in the car, my parents walk out and say good bye.

Before getting in the car, I give Adym a hug and kiss and he whispers, "I love you babygirl. Text and call me everyday until I see you in two weeks alright?"

I smile, "I will. I love you baby."

After hugging Adym I say goodbye to Sawyer and stand by Kayla. As they begin to drive away, my parents talk to the Yorba's gor a few minutes before walking back home. My parents are already in the house when Nick and I begin walking back home.

"So.. You alright?" Nick asks.

"I got in a fight with mom and dad last night... It was pretty bad.." I say looking down.

Nick chuckles, "I heard you guys.."

" I'm moving out once college starts. After college is over i won't be back. But college doesn't start in a few weeks... I really wanna leave." I sigh.

"Well.. I should be leaving in a few days if everything works out for my apartment.. Wanna come?" Nick says looking at me.

"You mean stay with you?" I ask.

"Yeah, you know until college starts.. If you need somewhere to stay after college we can work it out.." He says.

"Seriously?! Thank you Nick!!" I say hugging my older brother.

"But I'm moving in with some friends so I hope you don't mind.. If it goes good we should be moved in by Tuesday maybe Monday." Nick says proudly.

We reach the front door and open it to find my parents on the couch watching TV. My mom looks at me and shakes her head as she looks away. We head upstairs to go to our own rooms. Flopping on my bed, I begin to day dream about Adym... Slowly, I fall asleep.

1 hour later

I wake up to hear my mom calling us for lunch. Nick and I walk downstairs and grabe a plate. My parents sit with their food and begin eating.

As we eat my mom begins to talk, "So, Nick... How's work?"

Nicks head remains down as he talks, "Good.."

Once again everything falls silent.. As we finish eating my mom speaks once again, "Nick I need you to clean the pool tomorrow."

"I can't i have plans." Nick replies.

My mom sighs, "Fine. Monday then."

"I'm busy." Nick answers simply.

"Fine Nicholas!! Tuesday!! No later!!" My mom says angrily.

Nicks head raises, "Sorry I'm busy."


Nick interrupts, "I should be moved out by then."

My parents facial expressions change completely. My mom looks at him, "Nicholas... Fine..... Skylar can you clean the pool for me?"

"I can't." I say.

"Skylar stop. You will do it! No more excuses!!" She shouts.

"I should be gone by then aswell. That is, if I'm not out by Friday." I reply.

Our parents look at us shocked. Cleaning up my mess, I walk upstairs to my room. Once I shut my door I hear my parents talking about Nick and I.

I hear a knock on my door and Nick walks in, "You gonna start packing? I just talked to the manager and we can begin moving in. You better start packing." Nick says as he shuts the door.

Standing up, I grab my keys and walk outside to my car. As I walk outside I text Kayla the news. Getting in my car, I drive to the store to pick up some boxes. After I get my boxes, I check and see Kayla blowing up my phone. Quickly, I explain everything as I text her back. Once I get back home, I go upstairs and begin throwing boxes together and packing....

4 hours later

Laying down on my bed, I look at the boxes all over my floor. The whole day, No one bothered me... My parents never said anything to me, Nick was busy packing and Kayla texted me once or twice because she's getting ready to choose a college as well. Pulling my phone out, I see It's around 5:30 pm so I decide to shower and throw on a pair of grey sweatpants and a black lastfam shirt. After getting dressed I throw my wet hair in a bun and spread out on my bed and go on social media. As I scroll through social media I see adym posted a picture on Instagram so I comment Ily BB❤❤😘 About a minute later Adym likes the comment. After a few minutes, I decide to text him....

Skylar and Adym's text

Skylar: Look who's home already👀

Adym: Yeah I'm glad to be home❤ i kiss you though😭😘

Skylar: Miss you to😘😍 how'd you get home so fast?? You speed?😂

Adym: you could say that..😂 imma good driver I swear😂

Skylar: Mhmmm😂Anyways, I'll text you soon imma take a nap

Adym: k, ily❤❤😘

Skylar: ily to❤❤

Laying my phone down, I close my eyes and begin drifting off...

Heyyyy I'm tryna get back on my grind👌 I'm thinking about posting every other day.. Thoughts? For my other book I prolly post every 2 to 3 days... What do you think?? Anywayyssss im tired gb❤ ily guys💖💖 sorry I'm tired i didn't read my chapter to make sure spellings all good👌

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