chapter 68

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I jump as I turn and find Adym behind me, smirking.

"Hey babygirl" he smiles, "I thought I'd join you.."

I smile, "I was just about to get out but if you wanna join."

Adym smirks, "Okay. Then maybe we can do something afterwards."

Blushing, I say, "We'll see."

To be honest, I don't wanna have sex or anything right now. It's not like I'm mad or anything, I'm just nervous about the YouTube video..

Silence fills the air as we shower, Adym continues to smirk until I ask, "So did you post the YouTube video yet?"

"Right" he says, "I'll do that after we shower. Or right after I do you.."

After we shower, we jump out and dry off. Adym hugs me from behind and begins kissing my neck. Don't get me wrong, I love this and all, I'm just nervous for what people wanna say.
Adym picks me up and brings me to his bed while kissing my neck.

"Baby" I say, slightly pushing him off.

He stands up, "What?"

Okay, I really don't wanna tell him I'm nervous, I don't want him worrying. He's happy.

"Your YouTube video.. Don't you need to post?" I say, trying to distract him.

"Right." He says, "I finished editing. I just need to press upload and post on Twitter."

He quickly posts on YouTube and Twitter before turning to me, "So.. Where were we?"

He leans in and plant's small kisses on my body, "Baby.." I say, sitting up, "Can we do this later?"

He looks disappointed as he stops kissing me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah" I lie, "I'm just not in the mood to have sex I guess.."

He sighs, "Okay, that's fine. I'll get you later though."

Standing up, I walk into the bathroom and begin putting some joggers and a shirt on. Adym bites his lip as he watches me get dressed. As I'm brushing my hair, Adym throws on some clothes and lays on his bed.

Quickly, I braid my hair and walk into the living room and sit on the couch. Going on YouTube, I look through the comments to see what people are saying. Don't ask me why I care because quite frankly, I don't know why I care either. As I'm scrolling through the comments, I see many people saying they're happy for us and I'm beautiful. Many people say we're a cute couple but others call me ugly and tell Adym we need to break up. Others say they knew something was up while Others say they're glad we announced it. A few people call me a hoe and say he could do better and not to waste his time. Some comments make me smile, while others piss me off. It's okay Skylar, ignore it.. It's no big deal.

Suddenly, Adym walks out of his room, "Hey babygirl"

Quickly, I switch pages and go to Instagram because I don't want him to see me going through the comments, "Hey" i smile, "What's up?"

"Nothing. I just wanna cuddle with my girlfriend." He smiles, sitting down.

Adym sits down and leans his head on my boob, "What're you doing?" He asks.

"Nothing. Just going through Instagram." I reply.

Adym goes on his phone and scrolls through Twitter.

Hour's later// 5 pm

Sawyer goes live and comments are flooded, everyone's asking about Adym and I.

Sawyer gets irritated as he reads the comments, "Um I don't know much about Adym and his girlfriend. Ask him yourself."

After 45 minutes or so, Sawyer ends his live, frusturated. Adym's playing video games and Sawyer goes to sit on the balcony.

A few hours later// 11:45 pm

Adym and Sawyer are still up so I go into the bedroom and go on my phone until I go to sleep.

The next morning

I wake up around 10:30 am. The boys are still asleep so I take a quick shower and get dressed.

Once I take my braids out my hair becomes curly

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Once I take my braids out my hair becomes curly. As I leave the bathroom, I find Adym on his phone.

He smiles and says, "Got anything planned for today?"

"Umm.. I might go to Target and get a few things. You got anything planned?" I reply.

"Nope. How long are you gonna be gone?" Adym asks.

"I don't know. I might run a couple other errands.." I answer.

Adym nods and goes back on his phone.

1 pm

Grabbing my purse and phone, I tell Adym I'm leaving as I walk out the door. Walking out of the apartment, I think about the things I need. A lot of the things I need are just personal items so it shouldn't take long.

30 mins later...

I'm walking out of Target and decide to walk to a few other places before going back to the apartment.

2 hours later

I walk into the apartment and I hear a noise from Adym's room. Looking to my right, Sawyers door is closed as well but there's no noise coming from that side.. Slowly, I approach Adym's door until I hear the noise.. It sounds like.. A girl.. Who's moaning?

Typing in the code, I unlock Adym's door and throw it open to find Adym and.. Another girl??


Okay sooo here's a cliffhanger for y'all😇 you're welcome❤😂

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