Chapter 172

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Suddenly I get a text from my mom asking if we're up.

Skylar: yeah we just went for a swim.. wanna grab breakfast on the outside deck of the hotel restaurant?

Mom: okay I'll tell everyone

Skylar: see u there

I set down my phone and sit up, "You ready?"

"We leaving already?" Adym rolls over and looks at me

I nod, "if you want breakfast"

"I'm down" he smiles and grabs our things, "We gonna change first?"

"Yeah" I reply as we head back to our room.

We walk into our room and I quickly throw on a pair of high waisted shorts with a black nike crop top and some nike socks. While Adym throws on some shorts and a shirt I put my wet hair in a bun and spray some perfume on.

"Ready?" I ask

"Yeah" he replies while spraying on cologne and heading for the door.

We open the door to find our family waiting for the elevator. As we jog over I see Kayla talking to Nick. I look at them for a couple seconds and think about how cute of a couple they'd be.. Adym and I walk over and talk with our families as we get in the elevator.

Once we all get a table we're sitting outside on the deck of a restaurant waiting for our breakfast.

"So you excited for lunch?" I flash a smile at Kayla

She smiles, "Yeah I can't wait"

"Good Adym's excited too" I glance at Adym

"He wasn't protective or anything?" She questions

"He totally was" I laugh, "but I told him we're going and it was a complete turn around with his attitude."

Kayla nods, "I'm nervous though.."

"Don't be" I smile, "You'll have fun.. are you sure you two don't wanna go on your own or anything?"

"No I need you to be around in case I run out of things to say. Or if I get nervous imma bring you up-"

"Kay if you want I can be on the beach or somewhere near by" I shrug, "Or just have your phone on you-"

"What if he sees you?" She questions

"Okay okay I can tell you're nervous so I'll just stay with you so will Adym. We'll both be there for you" I try to reassure her

"Actually.." Adym Butts in, "I was thinking about taking a rain check so I could go with Nick and go surf-"

"You're going" I eye him

"But I wanna surf-"

"I told your sister we'd go and support her so that's what we're doing Adym" I explain, "You two can go surfing anytime-"

"but the waves are good today" Nick interrupts

I shoot nick a glare, "We're supporting his sister-"

"look little sis you'll be fine okay? Be yourself guys fuck with that and all that so you're good. Have fun. While you do that nick and I are gonna-"

I turn to Kayla, "We'll be there don't worry. Do you know when and where?"

"Here at 12 pm" she replies

"Okay cool" I smile

10:45 am

I get up and walk into the bathroom as Adym's walking out of the bathroom from his shower.

"You gonna shower?" He asks

"Yeah" I reply

"Baby I don't see why I have to go to the date" he says

"It's your little sister. Don't you have any interest in who she's dating? You know to make sure he isn't a creep?" I ask while turning on the shower

"Well I mean you were there and you saw him so imma go with what you say" he states while throwing on some clothes

"Adym" I sigh, "You're such a guy. Show some interest in this Okay? For all we know he's a creep and finna snatch us or sum I dunno but come on. Be there kayla and support her"

"On her first date?" He asks

"Adym she's nervous-"

"Everyone is" he points out

"Okay how about this then, I told him we're going and if you don't wanna go I'm  not gonna force you. At least do it for me if not you're sister. If not, fine. I'll find a guy to go with me and I'm sure it'll be easy to get one" I poke my head out and wink at Adym who looks annoyed.

"Fineeeee" he groans as I jump in the shower

"Thank you" I smile to myself, "Dress nice but not like a suit-"

"Good cause I don't have one" he interrupts

"Adym you know what I mean" I state

"Yeah I will" He replies


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