Chapter 116

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"What about it?" I say.

"Are we still together?" His voice cracks as he speaks.

"I dunno.." I shrug, walking out of the bedroom, "We'll see."

"Skylar wait" he protests.

I turn and face him and whisper so the kids don't hear, "Look Adym. I don't have time for this. Right now I have to go take care of my cousins so I really don't wanna talk about this right now okay?"

"Okay well can I get an answer? Skylar I've explained myself and all I want is an answer. I love you and I didn't mean to hurt you.." He exclaims, "You can't just walk away the minute you get mad!"

"Oh but you can? And I'm not just mad, I'm hurt." I say, turning and walking off.

I walk downstairs and tell the kids to get their shoes. They do as I say and I grab my keys and we get in the car.

"Where are we going?" Riley asks.

"The movies to go see Paddington."  (Yes ofc Ik it already left theaters but whatever) I say, leaving the house.

Reyna and Jordan get excited as we drive to the theatres. After about 15 minutes we reach the theatre and go inside to buy our tickets and popcorn and candy. Once I buy everything we go find our seats and sit down.

During the movie

In the middle of the movie I walk into the hallway and make a few calls before heading back into the movie.

After the movie

Once the movies over It's about 1:30 so I take them to In-N-Out for lunch and then take them to the park. As the kids play, Riley looks at me and asks,

"Are you okay? I heard what happened."

"I didn't think we'd be that loud." I say.

"It's okay.. So... Are you guys still together?" She asks.

"Riley" I say, putting my hand on her shoulder, "It's fine. Don't worry about it okay?"

She nods and watches Reyna and Jordan play. My phone buzzes a couple of times. I unlock my phone and see I got some texts from Adym but i ignore ot and go on twitter. As I scroll through my feed, I see Adym posted a tweet saying, fuck feelings. Immediately I shut off my phone so I don't thinm about it. After the park, I take the kids to get some ice cream before heading home. Once we get home, I turn on the tv for them while I go into their rooms and throw some clothes together. Riley walks in the room while I'm zipping up the kids duffel bags.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"Riley.." I say, "You guys are gonna go stay with your aunt for a few days.."

"Why?" She asks.

"Because I have some meetings with my manager for the next few days about a tour and Adym has to shoot a music video so him and Sawyer will be gone." I lie.

"Aren't you coming?" She asks.

"I have meetings." I lie.

"No. You're lying" She says.

I sigh, "Look I have stuff to take care of. It's only a few days"

"Skylar" she says, "You're taking care of us and I only wanna be with you. Don't make us leave."

"It's only a few days." I reason, "Go pack."

She sighs and goes to pack her clothes. I take the kids bags and begin walking downstairs when Adym stops me,

"What's going on?"

"We'll talk about this later." I reply.

"Skylar we need to talk about it now. Where are they going? They don't leave for a few more weeks! It's only their first weeks with us!" He exclaims.

I point to Riley's room and mouth for him to be quiet.

He mouths back, "What's she doing?"

"Packing" I mouth.

Adym grabs my arm and brings me downstairs to his soundproof studio. He shuts the door and looks at me,

"Where are they going? Where are you going? What's gonna happen?"

I sigh, "I'm taking them to our aunts house."

"Are you leaving to?" He asks, his voice cracks.

"I dunno. But I don't want them around while we argue because we took them so they can escape that enviroment." I explain.

"But.." He mumbles, "What about us?"

"What about us?" I ask.

He begins to get annoyed, "Skylar. What's gonna happen to us?! You're making them leave! What about you?! Are you leaving or staying?!"

"Adym I wanna be able to think. You kissed that girl and I don't know what to think. Yeah, I'm getting over it but you accused me of cheating as well!" I exclaim.

"I don't know what you were doing at college! You could of been sucking dick for all i know!" He exclaims.

"Wow. Thanks for calling me a hoe." I say, pissed off.

"I didn't mean too I'm just pissed off" he says, annoyed.

"Yeah well we obviously need some time to cool off so maybe taking a break would be best." I say.

Adym looks at me, angry, "All because a girl kissed me?!"

"See your pissed!!" I exclaim.

"Clearly!!" He replies.

"Look, lets just give it a few days alright? And if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out." I explain.

"Are you coming back tonight?" He asks.

"Whether or not I find a place to stay, probably not." I say.

"You're not staying with your aunt?" He asks.

"There's only enough room for the kids." I reply.

"No. You pay rent here as well so you shouldn't feel like you need to leave. You can take our bed and I'll take the couch." He offers.

"I'll probably stay in Riley's room." I say.

"Just stay in our room." He says.

"We'll see." I say, walking out of the room.

Riley walks downstairs with her stuff and I tell the kids to get in the car with her while I run upstairs and grab some clothes. The kids get in the car and ask where were we're going but I try to avoid answering. It takes about 30 minutes to get to my aunts but once we get there, I give the kids their bags and walk them inside. We say hi and I visit for a little bit before I go to leave. Reyna and Jordan run up to me,

"Wait where are you going?"


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