Chapter 37, Death Of A Beast.

Start from the beginning

Etrius looked into the room silently, he went in and quickly looked around, he had his pistol for good measure.

"Lloyd, no." Kim said quickly as she turned to him, "You need your sword."

Lloyd let go of his sword, he looked back at Etrius.

"Will you be alright?" He asked.

"Shh!" Kim suddenly shushed.

It was now dead quiet, Etrius turned his attention back to Razor, he began to cautiously make his way over to him, holding onto his pistol tightly, he reached Razor's side and nudged him, he didn't react at all, Etrius looked around slightly, something in the corner of his vision suddenly caught his attention, he looked quickly to see a large black tendril swaying slightly, it suddenly bolted towards him, he grabbed Razor and moved out of the way before it could reach them.

"Etrius!" Kim shouted.

He quickly threw Razor to Boomer, the tendril then changed course to them, no one else seemed to see it, but Kim did grab Boomer and forced him someplace else.

"Etrius!" Kim shouted again, "Run, damnit!"

Etrius saw the tendril was coming right for him, he got out of the way quickly, he then shot at it, out of a crack in the wall came another tendril, it's attention was on Kim and the others, knowing he was the only one to see them he knew what to do, he began signaling to Lloyd what to do while also trying to keep attention on the one that was after him, Lloyd was doing good for himself following Etrius's orders, after a while of dancing with the tendrils and Lloyd attempting to attack them they slammed into the ground, out of a crack came... something.

It was a complete skeleton of a person, but they had what looked to be some sort of snout and horns, it moved in a way Etrius had never seen a person move and the tendrils set it down, glowing white eyes shot up at him, the tendrils then shot towards him as the creature attempted to run at him, running in a way he has never seen.

Etrius went to move out of the way but was immobilized, he couldn't even turn his head, then everything seemed to turn to slow motion, he felt as if he couldn't even breathe, almost as if his body was accepting it's fate even though his mind knew it could get away, it was almost as if they were fighting, his broken arm began to hurt, when it reached inches away from him something happened, something he knew was going to happen in the back of his mind but attempted to avoid.

Kim stepped out in front of him.

Watching the tendrils pierce her skin and and lift her Etrius was helpless, still unable to move, still unable to breathe, completely... 


Utterly useless to everyone around him.

What he feared most of all in life.

The creature ran to her and wrapped his skeletal hands around her throat, it pulled both tendrils out of her before tossing her aside, her lifeless corpse rolling slightly before left to rest, Etrius left to watch the life drain from her human eye, a single tear dripping from it, and that's when everything went wrong.

Wrong for that THING...!

Etrius moved in a blink of an eye, he grabbed the creature and quickly moved to the wall, shoving it into the wall.

"You're dead, BASTARD!" Etrius shouted.

He then threw it into another wall, then was immediately next to it, he grabbed it and forced it back into that wall, he wasn't worried at all about the tendrils, seeing as how he could see them easily, now he felt as if this thing wasn't a threat at all, he was easily taking it on but it wasn't enough, he just lost something dear to him, and nothing could ever replace her. EVER!

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