Military; Boomer.

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This is made of fiction by an over excitable and passionate Fangirl.


Boomer was sitting in a medical room praying that he'd pass the physical, he did have a surprising ammount of strength but he wasn't sure he was healthy enough, soon the door opened and he looked up to see a doctor come in.

"You've passed." He said, "General Adams wants you as soon as possible."

Boomer stood up.

"Then I'll head over." He said.

"You don't have to go now." He said.

"It's fine." Boomer said, "Better start now than later."

He went and got dressed, then left the medical room, he looked to the side to see Razor waiting for him.

"We're going now." He said as he grabbed his shoulder.

"Did you pass?" Razor asked as he walked next to him.

"Yes." He said, "We're heading over now."

"So I do get to stay with you?" Razor asked.

"You better." He said, "Otherwise we have nothing left to do."

Razor nodded in agreement, Boomer took Razor to where he was going to stay before he went off the the trainig grounds, everyone was lining up, Boomer went over and slipped into the line, he looked around slightly and spotted Etrius watching from the distance, then someone was in Boomer's face, he was immediantly straightened his back and looked at them, it was General Adams.

"What's your name, soldier?" He asked loudly.

"Boomer, sir." Boomer replied calmly.

He gave a dark look.

"Ever shoot a gun before?" He asked.

"Yes, sir." He said.

"What was that?" Adams asked as he got closer to his face.

"Yes, Sir!" Boomer shouted, seeming to raise his intimadation skill. [Ha! Video game refference!]

"Now that's what I like to see!" Adams said as he took a step back.

Everyone was taken to a shooting range, soldiers were given guns as other's were being taken by sargents to learn how to shoot, Adams looked at Boomer.

"What gun are you familiar with?" He asked.

Boomer was quiet.

"I have no preference." He finally said.

"That's what I wanna see!" Adams said, he grabbed a pistol and handed to him, "Let's see what you've got!"

Boomer took the gun and turned to the target, he pointed, aimed, and fired, he missed completely.

"I thought you said you've fired a gun beofre." Adams said as he turned to Boomer.

"I never said I was accurate." He said.

Adams seemed upset now, as Adams began to work with other soldiers Boomer looked down at the gun in his hands, they were shaking, he tried to ignore it and continued to try and hit the target but was failing miserably, he tried four other guns and still failed, finally Adams went over to assist him, he quickly noticed that Boomer couldn't shoot straight, after twenty-eight minutes of trying to give him pointers it began to annoy him.

"That's enough for today." Adams said, "Everyone can retire."

Adams walked away as Boomer looked down, he left quickly after setting the gun he had on the table, then disappeared, Etriuss went off to find him, he wandered around for a while until he went around a building and spotted Boomer sitting alone, he hid slightly to watch, he noticed Boomer had a half empty bottle of beer with him.

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