Chapter 29

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I had to talk to someone. Someone other than the four boys I had surrounded myself with to get away from my abusive mother. I knew I had to talk to talk to Molly, I just couldn't let our friendship slip away. But will she even listen? Last time I looked for help she blocked me out, making me feel worse. Was I strong enough to hold a conversation with her? I had no idea what to do and I was just slipping more and more into a hole of misery and suicidal thoughts. I knew one thing though. I couldn't help Luke by myself.

"Calum I need you to come to michaels." I whispered in the kitchen, not wanting Luke to hear from the bedroom. I had swept up the open bottles of pills on the bedroom floor, and taking all pills and medicine out of the cabnets away from Luke. I also took all sharp objects out of the house.

"Sadie I just woke up." He replied, his voice scratchy.

"Please Calum I- I can't do this anymore." I shakily say into the phone, keeping my voice low.

He sighed. "I'm coming, I'm coming. Sorry. I was just really sleepy. Don't worry Sadie okay?"

"I don't usually do this, but I think I might go crazy if I don't talk to someone." I gulped, feeling guilty for waking Calum up at 6:30 am.

"Sadie..." He paused. "Don't feel bad. I understand. Hang in there. I love you so much."

I heard some rustling on the other side of the line. I hope he's coming soon.

I mumble a yes into the phone. "Calum I have no idea what I'd do without you."

I try to keep the tears in but they some how make there way out.

"I just love Luke so much, so much more than I have ever loved anyone. He's changed my look on everything, from the little things, to giant, he's made my life completely different. Seeing him so sad I just I-"

"Don't cry." He mumbles into the phone. "I'm almost there alright?"

"Okay.' I hang up and turn to see puffy eyed Luke standing in the door frame.

I don't break eye contact with him while I set the phone down on the counter and walk towards him.

His eyes follow me as I make my way.

"Your bringing Calum over to watch me." He tells me, I can hear the hurt in his voice.

I sigh. "Luke it's not like that-"

"No! But Sadie, I know it's like that." He yells, throwing his hands up in the air.

I take a step away from him, confused and shocked by his outburst.

"I know he's here to watch me because I know you can't do this anymore. Your tired of taking care of me."

I open my mouth to protest but he cuts me off once more.

"Sadie I love you more than life itself and I know you feel the same way but your tired and your done with me, your done trying to fix me. I get it." His voice finally quiets down. He looks at me with sad eyes.

"You can leave Sadie, it's okay."

My eyes fill with tears as I hear those words escape his lips. My hands instantly shoot up to my fade to wipe away the falling tears.

He watches me, he watches as I try to wipe away the pain he's given me.

Because he has. He's caused me so much pain. So much unbearable pain that I'm suprised I'm still able to stand on my one two feet.

"Luke where are you getting these ideas-"

"I'm crazy!" He yells, his eyes wide with fear.

"Sadie IM fucking crazy and I can't have you thinking it ps up to you to take care of me, or for Calum to. Ive gone fucking mad in this... In this.. In this hell of a place, in this life, in this world and no one can help me. I'm sorry."

He turns unruly and starts back for the bedroom, slamming the door behind him, leaving me wordless, shocked and holding onto the counter for support.

To many confusing thoughts rush through my head and the door bell rings signal longing calums arrival.

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