Chapter 15

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I had already agreed. I couldn't bail on Alexis. She seemed to nice. Luke arrived an hour later after me worrying and freaking out about how tonight would work out. I'm not going to lie, when I heard Alexis say his name, I almost shit myself.

"You seem uptight." Luke slowly chewed his pizza. He sat across the table from me and next to Michael. I sat next to Alexis.

I shrug his comment off and keep eating pizza.

I can feel his eyes on me as I ignore him.

"You can't just ignore me." His loud mouth says.

Michael clears his throat, warning us he and his girlfriend are here too.

"I just dont feel like talking." I quickly say, finish the last of my crust and stand up.

"Where are you going?" Alexis jumps up with me.

"To the bathroom, I'll be back soon." I mumble and start to walk off.

Then Luke speaks up again. "Hope your okay, that bruise does look pretty bad."


Tears fill my eyes. Of course I knew he'd notice the bruise. But I didn't think he was that rude to say something about it. He probably is just trying to tick me off. He wouldn't do this if he knew how I got it.

I walk curtly off down the dark hallway and open he door on the far left. A bedroom. Oops. I open the door next to it, and it's a bathroom. Thank god.

I lock the door shut and sit against the wall. Ugh. I feel so shitty today and my head hurts really bad.

I touch my cheek, where the bruise is. I instantly pull back, cursing at the pain.

I pull my knees up to my chest, and rest my head on them. Then, I silently cry.

A knock echoes through the door.


I sniffle. I don't want to do this again.

"Luke." I finally croak out, after minutes.

"I'm still here." his voice comforts me through the door. He's so close, it's almost as if he's next to me.

"Maybe we could start over." I say quietly, but he hears.

"I'd really like that." He answers quickly.

"Now open the door." He shakes the lock.

I shakily get up out of my petal position on the cold, hard ground, and move towards the door.

I open the door and he bursts through, banging into me. I stumble backwards and he grabs my shoulders, and pulls me back up.

"Sorry." He mumbles and let's go.

I sniffle again and say "hey I'm Sadie!" I stick my hand out to his.

"Luke." He smirks and we shake. His large hand covers mine.

I look into his eyes. He's a lot taller than me. His eyes are a light shade of blue, crystal clear. His eyes widen when he catches me staring.

"What are you looking at?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Nothing. I was just thinking." I try and shrug it off and walk past him. He grabs my arm and pulls me back in front of him. I don't even try to break free.

"Keep telling yourself that Sadie." He smirks and let's go of my slightly sore arm. I walk out before him, glaring, and rubbing my arm.

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