Chapter 7

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"Luke..." I cried out.

He was walking away, holding his face.

I ran up to him, tears in my eyes. I grabbed onto his sleeve. He stopped.

"Luke. I'm sorry. I didn't mean...I didn't..." He had turned around to face me, his hands still cupping his own cheek. My arm was trembling, grasped around his sleeve. I didn't dare to let go.

His eyes.

Were full.

Of terror.

I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Luke! I'm sorry! I'm so stupid! I didn't know what I was doing! I'd. I'd....never hurt you! I practically screamed at him, trying to make his distant eyes focus on me once again. "Please." I sobbed.

I don't even know why the hell I was doing this. This guy was a complete asshole. I felt so terrible though. All because of my mom.

Then something I was least expecting happened.

He hugged me.

Wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me in against his chest, muffling my cries. He smelled good. Almost sweet. Calming.

"Sadie." He mumbled, his forehead pressed against mine. I shook in his grasp, breathing in ruggedly.

Then I noticed what we were doing.

I instantly let go of him, backing up. "Luke. Stop."

He looked at me, asking for forgiveness, and his blue eyes filled with....hope?

"I'm sorry." His voice was raspy. He walked off slowly to the doorway. Then disappeared into the house.


I texted Molly and Ashton that I wouldn't be staying. I had climbed over his fence and walked home. Alone. In the dark. And crying.

"Why." I cried out, not that anyone would hear me. I wasn't sad. I wasn't hurt. I was so fucking confused.

I wiped my nose. God it was freezing, I was shaking so bad. Just a few hours ago Luke was a complete asshole. He still is. But I had slapped him. He didn't deserve that. I was so mad at myself, for hurting him.

"I'm not my mom." Im whispered. I had walked 2 blocks, still not anywhere close to my house. Not that I wanted to go home. I don't want to see my mom.

Why did he hug me. Why couldn't he just be nice. Why can't I be smart, not stupid. Why why why.

I heard a car engine rumbling next to me and it pulled over, headlights on. I kept walking, ignoring the slamming of the car door and footsteps. I started to run.

"Sadie please."


My body immediately stops moving, even though my brain tells me to run.

"Sadie I'm sorry." A hand grabs my shoulder, making me turn around.

I stare into his eyes. Bright, bright blue.

"Your sorry?" My voice cracks.

Luke nods.

"I'm sorry. I hurt you. I wasn't thinking." I look down at my feet.

He grabs my chin with his large hands, making me look him in the eye.

"You don't even know how messed up this is Sadie. We just met today and I made you have a break down, and I'm running after you at 3 in the morning. It's so weird."

He just read my mind.

I really shouldn't be freaking out, breaking down like this. I'm a happy person...remember?

"I know. You don't know anything about me. I shouldn't be this hurt by your comments. I shouldn't even be standing here talking to you right now." I sadly look into his eyes, just noticing how close we are. So close.

"I'm sorry I was acting like a total douche bag today. I'm kind of like that." He barely whispered, because of how close we actually were. So.fucking.close.

He moved his other hand on my cheek, trying to close the little space between us. But I was catching on.

"What the hell!" I screamed, backing away from his grasp.

He looked shocked, confused, even hurt.

"I-I.... You were going to kiss me!" I yelled again at him.

"Sadie I thought.."

"You thought that I wanted to kiss you!?" I spat at him, emphasizing the "you".

Now he took a step back.

"All you've been is mean to me, and my emotions are so mixed up right now! So just mess them up even more and kiss me? Right Luke? Ugh I shouldn't even be talking to you! I don't know you! Just go away!" I scream.

He's to shocked to answer.

"I know. I'm sorry. I was... I was just caught in the moment. Please let me drive you home." He practically begged me.

"For you just to kiss me then?" I laughed nervously, tears running down my face.

"No." He was totally serious, it surprised me.

"Fine." I shivered. What was I even agreeing to.

"Thank you."


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