Chapter 10

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The doorbell rang as my mom started to talk.

"I don't mean to do this Sadie just I'm so stres-"

"I'll get it."

I quietly said and slipped pass her.

"I never said you could have anyone over tonight." She spat.

"They are not coming over, we are going somewhere." I rolled my eyes.

I opened the door before she could protest and ask who it was.

"Erm.." Ashton stood outside, hands in pockets, looking kind of uncomfortable.

"Oh!" My mom gaped at me.

Well this is kind of awkward.

"I didn't know..I didn't know you had a boyfriend Sadie."

Ashton and I both shifted from back and forth on our feet. His face read pure embarrassment, and I couldn't say mine looked any different.

"He's not...I mean...I was going to..."

"I'm Ashton." He stuck out a hand to my mom.

"Julia. Well Sadie didn't tell me about your little "date" but I guess it's okay. You do seem like a nice guy." She smiled.

Ugh. She's trying to act all nice and sweet. It was gross.

I cleared my throat. "Well me and Ashton should get going."

I walked over to Ashton and he grabbed my hand in his.

"Bye!" My mom said. "Have fun!"


"Sorry about that." I sighed, letting go of his warm hand, and stepping into the car.

"About what?" Ashton turned the car on and we both buckled our seatbelts.

"About her. She can be annoying."

"Your mom?" He looked confused.

I laugh nervously. "Um..yeah! You know how moms are." I shove him jokingly, scared I had almost given away my secret.

"Yeah..." He laughs along with me.

"So..." I clear my throat, trying to make this less awkward.

"We are going to the park and having a picnic. I hope that's okay. I don't want it to sound all cliche and stuff." He laughs, eyes crinkling in joy.

"No this is going to be great!" I join in with him, and the tension goes away.


The park was empty. We sat down on a blanket Ashton had laid out and he opened up the picnic basket he brought. This was so cute.

"Sandwiches!" He said and raised up two.

"Delicious." I stuff the sandwitch in my mouth. Turkey and cheese.

"Michael helped me."


"Yeah." He laughed at my confusion. "He like, loves to cook or something." He shakes his head while still giggling.

It's cute when he giggled. Yeah I know you usually think a girl "giggles" and guys are like, incapable of giggling or something. But that's 100% not true.

His eyes light up, and his loose curls move back and forth with his head. Hes something that's for sure.

"I feel like I don't know you that well." I say.

"Yeah." He answers, frowning.

"Tell me something about yourself."

"Okay... Well I'm Ashton." He chuckled. Wow. "I have a little sister and my parents are divorced. I've lived here my whole life. Oh and I really like bananas." He smirked.

I laugh, stuffing more sandwich in my mouth. Shit this stuff is good, Michael is one talented chef.

"Your turn."

"Oh yeah!" I say nervously. "Well I'm Sadie." Ashton rolls his eyes. "I'm an only parents are...divorced. Me and Molly have been friends for 8 years. Annnnnd I like to write."

"Hm." Ashton says while thinking what I said over.


"Not really." I answer.

"Stop making this awkward Sadie."

"Whatever you say Ashton."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

My mouth turns dry.


"Hm." He says again.

"Do you...have a girlfriend?"



"What?" He asks.

"I just thought you would have a girlfriend."

Why?" He smirks.

"I don't know your really nice I guess."

"You guess?" His dimples poke through his cheeks, pure joy in his eyes. He's one happy guy that's for sure.

"Yeah..." I look at him confused.

He scoots closer.

Okaaaaay this is interesting.

"I've only known you for like 2 days.." My voice drifts off as I look into his eyes. Those eyes oh my fucking god.

"Yeah but..." He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in closer. My thoughts instantly shoot back to last night with Luke.

"Um." I squirm under his touch.

"Sadie?" He looks concerned.

I laugh. "It's nothing Ashton. Your cool. It's fine. Everything's cool." I say, and he smiles.


I giggle.

"Your cool Sadie." He whispers to me.

I smile. "You to Ashton, you too."


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