Chapter 3

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The day at the beach went by smoothly. We mostly just sat on the sand, talking and gossiping. We also talked about Ashton and Calum. I really couldn't get them off my mind. Molly was having trouble too.

"Do you think we will actually see them again? I mean Sydney is kinda of big and they are just two teenagers...." Molly's voice faded into the crashing waves in front of us. "Ashton is nice." I smile and look up at the sky. The fresh breeze whipped my hair and cooled off my burning skin. "I don't think we will see them again." I stretch and lie down on my beach towel. "But I sure hope so."

I really do. Maybe I could even get Ashton's number. We could all hangout. For the whole summer. Become best friends. Maybe even more. I'd like Ashton as a boyfriend, I think to myself as I pick up a handful of sand and let it fall through my fingers. He's nice. Caring. And just gives off the happiest vibes.

"Calum seems great." Molly smiled and looked down at me. I smirked. "Yeah didn't you see how much he was looking at you Molly, like come on he likes you so bad." We both laugh and quiet down once more.

I turn my phone on and look at the time. 4:36 pm. "Shit." I whisper. "What's up?" Molly asks scooting closer to me. "We have to go. My mom is going to be pissed." I say, standing up, brushing the sand of my bum and packing up my bag. I slip my clothes over my damp swimsuit and pick up my towel. Molly does the same.

I follows her over to her car, skipping over mini sand dunes, trying not to sink, but I do a terrible job. We wobble over the uneven land before reaching the parking lot. "Let's go." Molly says and opens up her trunk. We dump our belonging into it and she slams it shut.

I carefully climb into the passenger seat and wait for her to start the car. But nothing happens. "Shit!" She yells and tries again. "Ugh" I groan and shake my head. My mom is going to be so pissed. "Now what?" I ask, looking at Molly.

She shakes her shoulders. "We can't walk home, and this car won't start...I'll call my mom." I say, annoyed and pull out my phone. The last thing I want to do is talk to her but we are stuck and need help.

I open the car door and type in my moms number. The phone rings. And rings. And rings again. "Sorry but Allison Fletcher is not available at this moment. Leave a message at the tone." I hang up and sigh.

"SADIE!" My head shoots up, looking around to see who had yelled my name. Ashton and Calum are walking up to me. "That's your name right?" Calum asks and I nod my head. "Hey guys." I nod my head in there direction, and go back down to my phone to try and text my mom.

"What's going on?" Ashton asks, leaning next to me and looking over my shoulder at my phone. "Oh, um, I..." His hand lightly brushes my arm, and makes me shiver. "Can we help?" I look up into his brilliant hazel eyes, as deep as a forest, and getting lost in them.

I sigh again. "Well I really need to get home and Molly's car won't start. My mom will be pissed. She already probably is pissed." I scoff and look back at Ashton. He glances at Calum, and he shakes his head. "Go get Molly, and follow us. I'll drive you home." I smile at his generosity and Calum chuckles. What's so funny?

I open the car door again. I poke my head in and so do Ashton and Calum. Molly looks up from her phone, and instantly a smile covers her face, swiping away her from. "Hey Calum! And....Ashton!" She says cheerfully and looks over at me.

"Ashton said he would drive us home. We can get your car later." I say and walk to the trunk of the car to grab my stuff. As soon as we have our bags we follow Ashton and Calum to a big black van. "This is it. You ladies can get into the back and me and Cal will be in the front." Ashton calls to us, grabbing our bags and throwing them in the back. He opens the door wide for me.

"Thanks." I say, barely audible but Ashton hears. He shakes his head at me and smirks, slamming the door behind me. Suddenly my conscience speaks up. Why the hell am I getting into a strangers car. That I just met today. And the strangers are guys. Not that I don't trust Ashton and Calum....just this is really not safe. I look over at Molly and she gets the message.

Her eyes scan mine, not as worried, but she has realized how dumb this could be. Ashton starts the car and backs out of the parking space. He reaches his long arm towards the radio and turns it on. Backseat Serenade by All Time Low plays, filling the car with guitar and drums.

My thoughts from a few seconds ago vanish into the music. I love music. I play guitar and sing. The only people who really know are Molly, and my mother, because I freak out when I try to preform in front of people.

Oh and my dad knew. He's gone now though. He just left one day and never came back. Out of nowhere my anger towards him rises. I hate him so much.

"So where's the house?" Ashton asks, snapping me out of my anger. "Oh, yeah. You just go down this street for a while then turn left. I can show you the exact house when we get closer." I say as I roll down my window, letting the fresh air blow I'm my face. Smoke fills my lungs as we pass a man with a cigar. Ew.

I scrunch my nose at the stench and roll the window back up. We turn into my street. "So the house?" Ashton asks, looking back at me. "The 3rd on the right." I mumble. "You okay Sadie?" He asks and I nod my head. I'm just really tired. This day has been so long. He pulls into my driveway and we all get out of the dirty car.

Molly and I head up to our porch. The kitchen light is on. "Wait Sadie..." Ashton says and I spin around at his voice. "C-can I have your number?" He weakly asks and I smile. "Of course!" I answer and tell him mine. He smiles, punching the numbers in, and turns around. "See ya later." Both Ashton and Calum say and get into there van.

The smile stuck on my face as we approached my house door. I wouldn't had gone inside if I knew how much trouble I'd be in.

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