Chapter 11

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"Is that all?" Molly whined on the other side of the phone.

I laugh. "Yes that's allll that happened last night Molly. We just hung out at the park."

"No deep convos?"

"Nope. He did ask if I had a boyfriend."

She squealed. "Sadie you don't understand! This is great! He wanted to know if your single!"

I roll my eyes. I need to finish brushing my hair. "I'll call you back Molly. I need to finish getting ready."

"Okay bye babe."

I hang up.

You know that feeling of happiness. That burst of energy. Like, you've been having a shitty week and then you just...are happy again. All because of something or someone. Ashton made me happy. It was easy being around him. I didn't freak out over what to wear or if I sounded stupid. He made me feel comfortable. I really wanted this feeling to stay longer. But it didn't. And guess who ruined it.

"Sadie I need to run to the store and pick up some dinner. Now please." My mom yelled up to my room.

I groaned and lifted myself of my bed.

I slipped on my vans, grabbed my backpack and slid my phone into my back pocket.

"Okay." I yell back and clump down the stairs.

"Be back in an hour it's already 4." My mom added as I slammed the screen door shut.

I nodded my head and walked to my car. It's black. Old. Ugly.

I start the engine and the radio turns on loudly, playing Reckless and the Brave by All time Low. Yay. My head moves along to the beat as I drive along the roads to the closest market. I pull into a parking space, turn my car off, and hop out.

"Long live the reckless and the brave..."


I stop dead in my tracks. Really.

"Small world ay?"

"Go away Luke."

He mumbles something to himself.

"What do you want." I turn to him and place my hand on my hip.

"You remembered my name."

I scoff. " of course I did."

"Oh okay. Well bye." He turns away and slumps to the other direction.

"Are you okay?" I ask, slightly embarrassed of how I was treating him. Why am I such a bitch.


I sigh. "Why are you at the store?"

"Ran out of bagels..." He frowns and steps back towards me. "You?"

"Mom sent me out for buying some dinner."

He looks at what I'm holding. A package of Mac and cheese.

"Oh!" His eyes light up. "Mac and cheese! My favorite!"

I roll my eyes. "Your such a dork." I can't help but laugh though.

"Um at least I'm cute." He fires back jokingly.

"Keep telling yourself that." I laugh.

He smiles.

This is weird. Almost like we know eachother. Almost like we like eachother...eeeh.

"Well." He clears his throat. "I have to go. See you around." He waves to me and walks off.

I watch him leave and can't shake off the uneasy feeling he gives me whenever we talk.

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