Chapter 2

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"Sooo do you want to go to the beach after this?" Molly asked, pulling out a nice flowered tank top, and pushing it into my hands. We had already gone to 5 different stores, finding an assortment of clothing items.

"Sure, I think I have a bathing suit somewhere in my closet....I haven't worn it for a while though." I agree, looking through more racks of the endless clothing. I finally settle on a pair of light acid wash, high wasted shorts. The top Molly picked out and this will look perfect.

I get into the line to pay and look over at Molly asking for her approval. She stands behind me, long blond hair pulled into a high pony, wearing black sunglasses, and chewing her gum in silence. She's wearing a pink and yellow floral summer dress going just above her knees. "Will this meet your standards?" I ask her, jokingly. "Yep, just buy the clothes so we can leave and head to the beach." She answers me, tossing her keys from one hand to the other.

I pay for the outfit and Molly and I head to her car. "Okay so we will stop at your house first.", she said, taping her fingers along to a song on the radio, " Then we can go straight to the beach because I have my swimsuit in the trunk." She turns the corner on my street. "I don't even know if the swim suit will fit me Molly, and.... I don't know...fine, I'll go get it." I say as she parks in my driveway. I stride into the kitchen, my flip flops clapping on the hard wood, and see my mom doing the dishes. Shes home early from work.

"Hey." I say and start to run up the stairs. "Wait dear, come back." My mom says and I turn back around in her direction. "Where are you going." My mom asks, her eyebrows arched. "And, where have you been?" I laugh. "Mom I've been out with Molly the whole day I'm fine. Right now I'm going upstairs to get my bathing suit so we can go to the beach. Okay?" I huff glaring at my mom.

I don't really understand my sudden mood change, but she's getting on my nerves. I just want to get the hell out of here before she questions further. "Okay." She answers quietly, trying to meet my eyes but I look around everywhere but her purposely, not wanting to get even more angry. "Be home by ten. Bring money if you need to."

"Alright." I reply, my mood lifting a bit. "I'" I question and slowly back up the stairs, still turned to face my mother. Still turned to see her staring into my eyes. Instead of seeing anger or annoyance as I expected, I see something like sadness or guilt. Before thinking about my mother any longer, I spin on my heels back to my room and slam the door shut. Now I need to find that swim suit.

"About time, what took you so long?" Molly asked, as I climbed into the seat of her car. "Mom wanted to talk." I look at the time. 1:00 pm. Soon it will be to late, and we won't be able to even go to the beach. Molly quizzically looks at me for a few seconds, then hits the gas. She knows better to question me.

My mood instantly lightens as I step out into the sunlight my skin has been dying to make contact with. Lucky for me I tan, and my skin doesn't burn easily. Thank god Molly made me wear the tank and shorts we bought earlier today, or I seriously would have been caught on fire because of the heat.

It was a whopping 97 degrees outside, not a cloud in the bright blue sky above. A smile spread across my face as I saw people playing on the beach, tanning, and splashing each other in the water. Oh how much I love this place.

"Let's go find a spot to sit, then we can take these clothes off eh?" Molly says and pulls her shades down. I laugh and follow her over to the sand. We find a spot close to the slowly lapping waves of the water, and start to settle down.

I peel my shorts and tank off to reveal a sea blue bikini top and matching bottoms. "Woah it actually fits." I say and Molly laughs. "You wore it like a month ago Sadie, you haven't gained a ton of weight or something." Molly tells me and sits down on a beach towel.

"Um...hi? We were wondering if you could direct us to where the bathrooms may be?" I tear my eyes away from the book I'm reading to see where the sound is coming from. I look up at a unknown face. A good looking unknown face.

"Hi? Can I help you?" The teenager who asked the first question had light brown hair, hazel eyes, and a smile that stretched from ear to ear. He was really tan. The dimples on his face deepened, then slowly disappeared when he noticed I was zoning out. "Oh sorry aha, I um...I just.." "The bathroom. Where are the bathrooms?" He grinned and I couldn't help but smile myself. He was so goofy.

"I'm Ashton by the way" the boy said, grin still wide. "Oh and this is Calum." He ushered towards the guy behind him. The boy supposedly named Calum waved. "Oh...I'm Sadie!" I replied cheerfully, and I could feel my cheeks growing warmer. Why am I even feeling this way. It must be the heat. And the hunger. Not Ashton. I just met him. What the hell.

"And I'm Molly." She had gotten up from her towel and made her way over to us. Thank god. "Okay well it was really nice meeting you and all.", Calum said, "but I still need to go to the bathroom. I need to pee guys." Ashton, Molly, and I laugh. "Okay, okay. You just go up this way." I say, pointing to the staircase on the right side, " Then just turn left and you will see a building." I smile approvingly at Ashton and he returns it. I turn to Calum. He's staring at Molly. She notices and stares back at him. He looks away. Wow someone's got a bit of a crush.

"Thanks so much Sadie...." Ashton tells me. "....and Molly." He nods in her direction. "See you guys around. C'mon Calum let's go now." And with that the two guys started of into the direction I had told them. "There really cute." Molly whispered after a few minutes. "Yeah." I reply.

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