Chapter 19

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"Don't cry."

"Molly I don't know what to do!" I sobbed in the other side on the phone. Ashton had drove me home, and luckily my mom had been at work. Now I was sitting in my room on my bed, with the door locked and the curtains shut.

"Well crying not going to help." She argued back. I knew she was wrong, because crying was suppose to help you relieve emotion, but I didn't say anything back. Instead I kept crying.

As soon as I had gotten home, I called Molly. I hadn't spoke to her since we fought, and I really needed her. I had to explain everything to her. I hated keeping everything bottled up, but usually that's what happens.

"It was so fucking scary." I whispered into the phone, shaking, remembering what had happened to Luke.

"He had like...some kind of melt down. I don't know what to call it really." I snuffled. " he started hitting things, and screaming. He seriosuly ran around michaels yard at 4 in the morning yelling at he top of his lungs."

"Mhhm" she mumbled.

"Did you say anything to make him do it?"

"Well we were talking." I answered.

"About what exactly? Like, I know Luke was already....hurt? I don't know but people don't just freak out like that just because of there past."

I gulped. "Well I told him I wanted to have my first kiss and loose my virginity to Ashton."

"Sadie." She groaned.

"What?" Tears kept sliding down my face, they couldn't be stopped.

"You told him you wanted to...ya know loose it to Ashton?"

"Kind of... I was just already mad because he was being all pissy."

"Yeah but still." She said. "I think he's jealous personally.

"Wait what?" I stood up of my bed.

"Calum said he-"

"Luke dosnt like me!" I stated shakily, thinking about all of our moments. Our good moments.

Like when he tried to "kiss" me. Or when he comforted me. When he drove me home. How he forgave me multiple times. And how he had pulled me into his chest, and we had sat there holding onto eachother, when we both couldn't sleep.

How he had cared.

"Sadie?" Oh shit I was still talking to Molly.

"Erm Molly I need to go." I quickly said, and hanging up on her.


"Ash?!" I literally screamed into the phone.

"Sadie?! Are you okay hun?" He yelled back.

I ignored the name he called me.

As soon as I had hung up on Molly, I called Ashton, hoping he could help me.

"Yeah...sorry didn't mean to scare you." I mumbled. "But could you drive me to the police office? To see....Luke?"

"Babe." He said. "I don't think I should. Didn't we all agree for you not to like, talk to him?"

"I know but Ashton I really need to talk to him." I answered urgently.

"It's important and I know that I really shouldn't even say one word to him, but I promise it won't end with us fighting and me crying and-"

"Fine." He cut me off. "Be there in 10 minutes."

"Thanks." I breathlessly let out, and we hung up.

I walked over to the bathroom, and washed my face. I wouldn't be able to make it look like I hadn't cried, because my face was way to red and puffy. I decided to just pull my hair back and I grabbed a jacket.

Someone knocked on my door. I ran downstairs and opened it.

"Ashton." I said.

He pulled me into a hug, and he rested his head on mine.

"Sadie everything's going to be okay." He mumbled into my hair.

"Thanks." I mumbled back.

"We should go." Ashton let go and chuckled.

"Yeah." I coughed nervously.

I followed him out to the one and only, black van. But this time I slipped into the passenger seat, next to Ashton.

The car turned on and "kiss me" by Ed sheeran was playing.

"I really love this song." I said, looking out the window.

"Me too." He simply said.

Then he started singing along.


"Oh I get a nickname?" He giggled, and reached his hand over to my thigh and squeezing it lightly. I let a small smile onto my lips. "Yeah." I answered.

"You have a good voice." I added, and he laughed.

"Kiss me like you wanna be loved,

Wanna be loved,

Wanna be loved."

I joined in with him at the chorus, our voices joining together, and he smiled.

The car had stopped, he had parked it in the police departments parking lot.

"Your so beautiful." He whispered, leaning over to my seat and raising his hand, moving it up to my waist.

"Thank you." I whispered back, looking into his eyes.

He giggled. "Your always so thankful for everything."

I shrugged.

"Your so nice Sadie. Like really. You deserve the best. Your so gorgeous, beautiful, talented, and kind. I'm not saying I'm the best, but I'll try. Want to be my girlfriend?" He asked, hazel eyes hopeful.

"Ashton." I breathlessly let out.

To be honest, I almost choked when he said that. Because my mom had reminded me plenty of times how ugly, how worthless I was. And no one had ever said that I was beautiful. That I was actually pretty. So what else was I suppose to say besides yes?

"Sadie please." He begged, leaning in closer to me.

"Yes." I choked on the word. My stomach turned, as he leaned in even closer. He wanted to kiss me. But I couldn't. Because of Luke. Because I decided right then, that I liked Luke. Even if he was a jerk, even if he was one fucked up kid. Even if he hated me. I liked Luke, and I didn't care about what anyone else thought. No wait, I didn't just like Luke. I was pretty sure I loved him.

I decided all this as Ashton's lips crashed to mine.


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