chapter 31

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When I opened the heavy wooden door, I wasn't greeted by a happy Luke. I wasn't greeted by a sad Luke either. There was no Luke. Just Calum

So many thoughts rushed through my mind when I saw him sitting there, hands over his face, and loud muffled sobs coming from his mouth.


"Sadie!" he hopped up immediately from his seat, looking at me and trying to wipe away the still fresh tears."

"Where is Luke?" I whispered, my eyes darting around the living room. I ran towards the kitchen, searching every corner.

"No no no." I whispered as tears ran down my cheeks. Calum jogged up to me trying to calm me down. But I ran away to the bedroom door to where Luke and I had stayed the previous night.

"Sadie! Wait!" Calum sobbed, reaching for my arm to pull me away from the door handle.

It was too late I twisted it just in time and it flung open, revealing a Luke, lying on the bed in a slouched over position, and his eyes closed. His chest wasn't moving up and down like I had watched it all the nights I had slept next to him.

So much happened in about the span of ten seconds. I ran over to Luke, taking his head into my lap, tears streaming down my red faced. Calum was yelling things at me that I couldn't understand, all I could hear was the beat of my heart pumping. I wish it would stop.

I grasped Luke's face in my hands, lifting it up to mine.

"What did you do?" I screamed at Calum, jerking my head up into his direction, away from Luke.

"I-I." Calum sobbed, sinking to the floor. "I'm sorry." He cried.

Luke. The beautiful boy I had met that one day. The one that's stole my heart, even though a brown haired boy was supposed to. An ache in my stomach yearned for just one more moment with him. I felt empty, like life have been not only sucked out of Luke, but me as well. The Luke who's head is lying in my lap right now. The one that has my own tears stains on his cheeks, nothing of actually himself remained.

"Luke, please, please wake up." I cried, stroking his cheek, hoping, just hoping his eyes would flutter, or that his chest would rise. Just for me.

But none of that happened, he lay silently and frozen in my lap.

I looked down at him trying to keep myself from puking. Too much was happening.

Luke was dead.

I started to get up, and lifted Luke's head off my carefully. Tears running down my face, I screamed at Calum and looked at Luke's face, his beautifully imperfect face, for one last time, before slamming the door shut and getting out of Michael's house. For good.

It was 11:00 pm now, and I sat in an empty Bartell Drugs parking lot. I rested my head on the steering wheel, crying and moaning and screaming and kicking. He was gone. I couldn't take it. He couldn't be. Yet, I was just at Michael's 5 hours ago with Luke's lifeless body in my arms.

I had gotten about 103980428309 text messages since I had slammed the door, but I couldn't even turn my phone on. I couldn't hold anything right, and I bet if Luke came back to life and asked to hold my hand, I still wouldn't be able to.

I cried and cried, until it was just dry sobs and cries escaping from my lips. I swallowed hard and shut my eyes as if I did, all of this would go away.

"Sadie." A low voice called out. It felt far away.


"Sadie!" someone shook me now, and this voice belonged to a girl.

I finally opened my eyes, meeting 5 other eyes. I lay on cool tile, and it felt good, because it was really hot and muggy today.

"Sadie." A brown haired boy shook my shoulders once more.

"wha- how did.." I started to sit up slowly, looking around at my surroundings. I was in an ice cream store, and Michael, Ashton, Calum Molly, and... and Luke where there, standing over me. Before anyone could say anything, I started crying and I held my hand up to cover my mouth. What was happening?

Molly worriedly put an arm around my shoulder. "See I told you she wasn't dead!" Michael smiled and high fived Calum. I looked up at Ashton from the ground. He smiled sweetly. I turned and saw, the one and only Luke Hemmings smirking a bit a ways now, like he had moved away from me when I woke up.

I wiped the tears off my cheeks and eyes as he walked slowly towards me and his smirk started to fade into a frown. He bent down and extended his hand to mine, helping me get up. I grabbed it unsurely and let him pull me up.

"Luke-" I caught my breathe.

He frowned at me and didn't let go of my clammy hand. I was shaking. Really hard. The dream I just had was so real, well I was guessing it was some kind of dream. And now he was here. Except in this world he was a dick and I was supposed to be mean to him.

I heard molly and Ashton calling my name in the background but it all faded away as I looked into Luke's blue eyes.

"Sadie." He sighed and he started to smile, his eyes crinkling and a wide grin spread across his face.

Before anyone could say anything, Molly, Luke, or Ashton, I grabbed Luke's face and kissed him. Just like that. He stumbled back a bit but caught himself on a table. I heard everyone cheering.

We finally stopped and he looked at me with a cocky grin on his face. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking. Does he know?

"Hey Sadie." Luke whispered, trying to keep out of earshot from everyone else.

"I don't break promises."

so THIS is the official last chapter of promise. this book was my first ever one ever, and even though its complete shit, im still proud i made it all the way through. im going rewrite this whole story though, so if your interested in rereading it, please follow me to stay update :)

so thank you if your reading this. thank you alot. i think im going to do a character question thing so yeah leave your questions about the characters below :)







michaels girlfriend?

sadies mom

okay well thank you and im sorry if i made you really sad about this story. i actually was just planning with the sad ending but i just couldnt have luke die :(

now lets end this on a nice gif of luke hemmings :)

adios people, this was a great adventure

-sadie :-)

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