Chapter 28

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Pure horror. That's all I can say.

A mumble of gurgled syllables escape my mouth, not making sentences. I feel like I'm going to puke.

I look back at the teary eyed Luke who's now sitting next to me on the bed.

He dosnt meet my gaze. "Sadie Im torn. I'm torn between being with the love of my life in a world I hate, or leaving the love of my life and getting out of this place." He rocks his body back and fourth waiting for my answer.

Tears run down my face. "Luke, please this can't be the answer. There has to be something." He shakes his head.

"No." He whispers. "Sadie, as scary as it sounds, as terrible as it sounds, as bad as it sounds, I want to die so fucking badly. I'm done with this. I'm done fighting. I'm done fighting for what other people want for me, why can't they see nothing's going to change my mind?" He pauses and takes a shaky breath. "I don't want to leave you. But...I have too. I'm not strong enough to hold on any longer. I'm slipping from the edge and falling into the river. And not even the strongest pair of hands can save me." He falls into a crying fit, hiccuping and gasping for breath.

"Luke." I scoot closer to him. He takes a glance at me. His eyes are swollen and red, looking like he hasn't slept in days. Which is probably true.

I let out a sigh. "We all love you. Please tell me what's making you do this." I grab his chin in my hands and make him look at me.

A single tear slides down his face.

"My life. It's clearly messed up."

"But I can help. We can get you to start seeing someone. You can stay at my house or we can get our own. Luke I can't live in a world without you." I gulp, hoping what I said would be enough.

"Sadie I can't live without you either." He tries to smile but fails miserably.

I start to get off the bed.

"Stay." He pulls me back onto it.

I nod my head and get under the covers next to my boyfriend.

He scoots over so he's more onto my side of the bed then his and wraps his arms around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder.

"I can't fight anymore." He whispers. "But promise me you'll keep fighting for me."

"I" I start to say.

"I promise Luke."

With that I drifted off into a sleep filled with nightmares about the most terrible things.


Let me just go die okay bye I can't do this anymore.


I've been on vacation

Okay bye

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