Chapter 62

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It was really sweet of Luke to get me on the first available flight back to Nevada, but when Jared was unable to catch the same flight, I began to panic. I packed while he cancelled his appointments for the week and booked the first available flight possible.

I cried off and on and couldn't stop myself from feeling helpless as my thoughts shifted from, 'Oh God, what if something bad happens and I'm not there' to 'Of course he's going to be fine, he's dad.'

Jared promised to take care of my things as Luke hugged me and told me that Leila would be waiting for me at the airport. Luke and I may have our differences from time to time, but he certainly went above and beyond for me when times were bad. He squeezed me tightly, making me promise that if I needed anything to call.

I sat in the back of the car with Jared at my side. He wrapped his arm around me and told me to stay positive. He said the usual things people say to you when something like this happens and I knew he was only trying to help, but there's nothing anyone can really say to help.

I gazed out the window, thinking that my father had always been the one there comforting my mother during times like this. I could only imagine what she was going through all alone since Jasmin, Jason and I were all away from home.

Jas would be home tomorrow and Jason did text me and let me know that he was also headed home, but it looked like I'd be arriving before them. Jared squeezed my hand and whispered in my ear. "I promise that I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you, Jennifer."

Nodding, I lay my head against him as we neared the airport. How in the fuck did this happen? Daddy was just in LA and spent time with us. The tears streaked down my face as bits and pieces of memories flashed like lightening through my mind. I knew that the next few hours would be the longest, most excruciating time of my life, not knowing what was going on.

Arriving at the airport, Jared took my hand and walked me as far as he could. I squeezed him tightly and he pressed my forehead against his, telling me that it was going to be okay.

When I boarded the plane all I knew was that my father had a massive heart attack and my mother was hysterical. I felt so entirely alone and struggled to maintain my composer as to not bother the people around me.

I listened to some music to attempt and pass my time, but it was no use, I was restless just dying to know what was happening. It was the longest flight of my life and my mother quit answering her phone which only made things worse. By the time we finally landed I was ready to get to the hospital.

Leila was waiting for me at the airport and took me straight to the hospital. She kept up with me as I raced through the hospital searching for my mom.

My aunt Karen was holding my mother's hand when I approached, they both stood and walked closer to me. Mom started crying again and squeezed me tightly while Karen explained exactly what happened. Leila stuck around for a while, but I didn't expect her to actually stay with me. She made me promise to call her if I needed her and I thanked her for taking the time to pick me up and bring me to the hospital.

Mom, Karen, and I went down to the cafeteria to get some coffee so they could fill me in on what happened. We didn't stay too long because mom wanted to be nearby in case there was any news. I text Luke to let him know what was going on even though I was sure he was probably asleep but he responded immediately.

Another hour passed and Jason showed up. I felt a little relieved to have him there with me and soon after I got a text from Jared saying that it would be after midnight before he arrived, but I didn't care, I needed him as well. We sat down talking about anything and everything to keep each other's minds off of what was going on. The minutes passed and became hours.

We were still sitting in the waiting area right outside of the intensive care area when a doctor approached. He asked my mother to follow him and as they turned the corner she began sobbing loudly. I bolted from my seat and when I rounded the corner, she turned to me saying that dad was gone. I couldn't breathe and was all choked up as I lost control of my emotions. Jason pulled me into a hug and we were taken to a private area.

I only remembered pieces of getting back to my parents home and the next thing I knew Jared was asleep next to me. Was it all just a bad dream? No, unfortunately it wasn't. Looking around the room as I sat upright, the grief once again surged with every expelled breath. My chest ached and tears started to spill from my swollen eyes. Jared's strong arms wrapped around me as he sat up. "I'm so sorry baby."

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