Chapter 11 Jared

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Things went from playful to serious within seconds. It was like her mood changed so quicklyÿ that my head was spinning. "I think you should go to your room." What? Did I hear that correctly?

"What? You can't be serious!" I pulled on her shoulder to look in her eyes. I gotta admit, I've never been asked to leave after sex before. Now, I've been on the other end where I've had a few that I couldn't wait to tell them to leave. This kinda hurt my pride a little. "I know what you're doing! You're purposely pushing me away, just to make a point."

She smiled, but I could see the wheels in her head spinning like crazy. "Jared!" She held my face between her hands. "I just need to be alone tonight. Please?" She squeezed my cheeks and I gave a little pout right before she kissed my lips, hoping to persuade her into changing her mind. She moved to the other side of the bed and I sat there stunned. Was she joking? "Don't be upset, trust me just like I said that I'd trust you. I need to be alone. I need to figure out what to make of this. You said you'd be a good boy, so keep to your promise, and do as I say." The second she stopped talking, I angrily shoved the sheet off of my body and stood. I started to get dressed, feeling frustrated, angry, and a little hurt, I was almost positive she'd change her mind. But she didn't. I walked to the door and she called my name. "Jared?"

She walked over, throwing her arms around me and allowing me kiss her again. Stupidly, I thought this was a plea to get me to stay, but she cleared that up quickly. Backing away, she said goodnight.

Still annoyed, I whispered back, "Goodnight, Jennifer." I walked out the door and down the hallway, desperately trying to understand why my feelings were so hurt. I mean, I did just have another woman in my bed, so who the hell was I to be upset in any way?

Regardless, I didn't like that it bothered me so badly and I didn't like the way Jennifer was on my mind so much lately. I made it back to my room and looked at the clock. It was well after midnight, but sadly, there was no way I could sleep now. My feelings were so twisted, even though I knew I had no right to feel this way.

I took a shower and changed before climbing into bed. Laying there, I tossed and turned for hours. Unable to sleep, I replayed the night over and over in my head. One good thing I realized, was that I was right about Jennifer. She was the submissive type. I knew it the first time I was with her ten years ago, only then I had no clue that I'd ever see her again.
My intentions were to bring that out of her even more over time. She was very receptive and I saw her eyes light up tonight with the things I did to her.

I picked up my phone and kept myself occupied for a while, but once again grew bored. It was nearly five am, and our day off. Why couldn't I get this girl off my mind? Still annoyed that she kicked me out, I decided to go back to her room.

Slipping my feet into a pair of shoes, I grabbed my room card and headed back down the hallway. I took the elevator down to her floor. Knowing she was probably asleep, I banged loudly on the door.

She pulled the door open with force. "Seriously? Don't you sleep?" I laughed, seeing her hair was a mess and her eyes weren't even open all the way.

"Come on Jen, give me a break." I pushed her back into the room and closed the door behind me. "It was so cold all alone in that big bed."

"Jesus, you've been awake all night? I was sleeping and you woke me up! ON MY DAY OFF!" She started to walk back to the bed, but I pulled her, forcing her to face me and kissed her.

I held her warm body against mine and turned us so that she was against the door. Kissing between words. "I" Pulling at her pajamas, I was desperate to get them off, "promise" I kissed my way down her neck, "to" cupping her breast and biting down on it, "make" licking around her nipple and hearing her sigh loudly, "it" biting down on it, "up to you."

She was panting, chest heaving as she balled my shirt in her fists. "What are the rules?"

I pulled the pajama top completely free of her sexy body, laughing. "Baby, there are no rules." Dipping my fingers inside of her pants and panties, she moaned loudly.

"No rules? Why not?!" She sounded disappointed. I knew I was right.

"Ok, you want a rule? Hold on tight." I shoved her pajama pants down her hips and kicked them out of the way. Her hands were shaky as she struggled with my pants.

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