Chapter 41

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There wasn't much left for Logan and I to talk about, once it was established that our hopes for the future were so very different. The fact that I wasn't even trying to follow the conversation didn't make the situation any better and he decided to end the date directly following dinner, dropping me off at my hotel.

My mind had been on Jared ever since seeing him with that tall blonde anyway. My behavior was unfair to Logan and I knew it. "I'm sorry that I wasn't the best date." I apologized, sliding into the backseat of the car.

"Don't worry about it. Trust me, I've had worse." At least he was being kind to me despite the fact that this was a complete waste of his time. He was quiet after that and my mind bounced back and forth between never wanting to talk to Jared again, and being crazy jealous of the woman he had taken up to his room.

The car ride back to the hotel was similar to the one on the way to the restaurant, silent and a bit awkward. Logan did get out and walk me up to my room and as we stood in front of the door, he finally spoke. "You know, you should really go talk to him."

I tilted my head to the side and didn't know what he meant. "Who?"

"Leto. Your entire mood changed after he flaunted Rebecca Jones in front of you. It became clear that you were either involved with him now, or have been in the past." God, he was extremely perceptive and my face reddened with embarrassment. Jesus, was it really that obvious?

That's who she was, Rebecca Jones the model. "This is embarrassing." I said, looking into his brown eyes. I felt awful about agreeing to go out with him and then acting so selfishly. "I'm really sorry, I honestly thought I could go out and enjoy your company, but I've just wasted your time."

"Don't be sorry, I've been there before." He put his hands in his pockets and backed up. "Have a great night Jennifer. I really hope you find what it is you're looking for."

I just stood there watching him until he disappeared around the corner. Was I stupid? Logan was definitely a great catch, handsome and destined to become a great actor.

It was early and I knew Luke was probably still on his date. After pacing in front of my door, I knew that I needed some fresh air. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button. When the doors finally opened, I stepped inside and rode down to the lobby.

After pacing around aimlessly, I noticed a familiar figure up near the bar. It was the same woman that Jared was with earlier. Nodding my head, the first thing that I noticed about her was her perfect hair. It had not been disturbed, every hair appeared to be in place. The next thing I noticed was the way she was flirting with the dark haired man next to her. My mind went into overdrive, wondering where the hell Jared was. Spinning on my heels, I hurried back up to my floor. The sudden need to talk to him, filled me.

My pulse began to race at the thought of being near him again. With the pain and disappointment still so fresh, would I be able to hold it together in front of him? I couldn't remember which room was his and I paced up and down the hallway a few times, coming to a stop at the room I knew was his. "Fuck it." I mumbled under my breath, knocking loudly.

I clutched his shirt and pushed him back, pressing my lips to his. When his tongue parted my lips, the taste of alcohol registered in my brain. Knowing that he doesn't drink, I knew he was in a bad way. My resistance crumbled and I gave in to my compulsion. I could feel my purse fall to the floor and as Jared pulled me further into the room.

Jared backed up to the bed and sat down. I straddled his lap, and enjoyed the way his body felt pressed up against mine. For just a minute, that ache in my heart started to subside. His soft, smooth hands moved up and down my back as my fingers tangled in his long hair. God, I've missed his scent. The way his hand wraps around the back of my neck, possessively holding me to him. I've missed the feel of his beard brushing against my face when he kisses me. I couldn't get enough of him.

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