Chapter 14

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Lunch seemed a little awkward, the four of us sitting around the table together, eating. When we first arrived at the restaurant, Jared patted the chair next to his and I watched Luke raise an eyebrow at me. It was my day off and I wasn't his PA today. We were just friends hanging out, something we rarely did.

Jared's hand lay flat on my leg as the topic of conversation turned to me. "So, I just want to say that I hope your intentions are good with my lovely PA here. I don't really want to get in your business, but I do care very much for Miss Evans and would hate if she were to be hurt in any way." God, he almost sounded fatherly. I smiled at Luke, it was the first time I had ever heard him speak of me so fondly.

Jared looked at Luke and then back at me. "Luke, I'd never dream of hurting her. I'm quite fond of her myself."

I picked up my water and drank awkwardly and Luke laughed sarcastically. "That's good to hear because the call I got from her the other night, in the middle of the night wanting to work. It was a first and I didn't ask the reason, but I'd like it to not be repeated."

Narrowing my eyes at Luke, I could feel my blood boiling. Why would he do this here? I wanted to crawl under the table. How embarrassing! I had to change the subject and awkwardly blurred out the first thing I could think of. "Ugh! I'm so full. What's everyone have planned for the day?" I could see the annoyed look Luke was giving me out the corner of my eye, but I didn't care. I refused to allow him to embarrass me.

"Well I planned to kidnap you for the day." Jared stood and waited for me to get up. "Shayla, have a great day off and I'll see you later. Luke, breakfast was great, I'll catch you on set tomorrow." He helped me with my jacket, not even waiting for them to respond. I nodded at my boss and Shayla and followed him outside.
"What are your plans?"

"Let's play a game." He stated, walking fast and I looked at him confused.

I couldn't hide the huge grin on my face. "Well first of all, you're going the wrong way, the hotel is that way." I pointed in the opposite direction.

"Dirty girl.. Not that kind of game." He turned around, but kept walking, backward. "Truth or dare?"

"Oh...that game." I hung my head. "Truth." He was affecting the way I thought about things. The mere thought of him and sex popped into my brain.

He smiled. "Did you really hate me for ten years?"

I stopped walking. "Is that a real question?" He basically said I fucked everyone that stayed at the hotel I worked at. He laughed. "Fair enough."

"My turn. Truth or dare?" I watched him smile.


"I dare you to stand on that bench and sing a song a song, any song." He looked at me like I gave him the most lame dare ever.

"Psssh." He stood and sang a few verses of The Kill. It was so beautiful and the crowd of people that had gathered around to watch, absolutely loved it. They were all clapping, including me.

He jumped down and signed a few autographs. "Truth or dare?"


"Oh come on, live a little! All truths, no dares? What are you afraid of?" He teased.

"Fine! Dare."

He rubbed his hands together. "Hmmmm. I don't normally do this, but what the hell. I dare you to get a tattoo, one that I choose for you without you knowing what it is."

I frowned. "But that's permanent!"

"It is, but I think you should go for it. Trust me, I'd never do anything to hurt you Jen." He pulled me toward the tattoo shop and I was so nervous. I don't have any tattoos. Does it hurt? What the fuck will he pick out? He moved closer and slid his arms around me. "Just get it in a spot that nobody will see but me." There was that evil grin. Please God, don't let him pick out anything I would be embarrassed by. "You look nervous, Jen. Calm down, it's going to be fine."

"I don't back down from a dare." I tried to sound confident, but I was really worried about what he had chosen. "On the back of my shoulder?" I can always have it covered up if needed.

The tattoo guy was laughing as he prepped my shoulder. He and Jared talked the whole time and I must say that I was expecting it to hurt way worse than it actually did. I was deep in thought as Jared and his new buddy talked about music and movies.

"All done." I heard him finally say. I couldn't wait to see it. The guy covered and taped it up and I was told that I wouldn't be seeing it until later. I sighed as Jared paid for it and we left.

"Ok, truth or dare?" I wanted to make him do something just as permanent!

"Truth." Now he picks truth. I rolled my eyes and he laughed, knowing what I was going to do."

"Did you really think I slept around with all of the guests of the hotel I worked for?"

"Truth? No, I thought that possibly it wasn't your first time with a celebrity, but I didn't think you slept with everyone that came through there. Truth or dare?" He was walking back in the direction of the hotel.


"Was I really the first person to spank you?" He stared at me waiting for my answer.

"Yes." I couldn't stop smiling as we walked down the street. The game had calmed down and truth seemed to be the only way either of us went. I wanted to get to my room so that I could see what he had marked me with.

We boarded the elevator and I pulled my jacket off, desperate see my now permanent decoration. I practically ran to my room with Jared following close behind. I pulled my arm out of the sleeve and Jared carefully removed the bandage to reveal the most beautiful butterfly tattoo. I smiled. "It's so pretty!" Now that I had gotten over thinking he did something to be a jerk, I was ready for a different game. I pulled the shirt off and walked toward him. "Truth or dare?"

Obviously he was too. "Dare." He said pulling his jacket off.

"I dare you to make me scream like you did last night."

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