Chapter 55

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Luke stepped closer, shaking his head in annoyance as he paced back and forth. "Jennifer I trust that you realize I'm only concerned for your well being. I'd hate to see you hurt or disrespected in any way. I only say these things because I honestly worry about you. Most of the time people don't change."

I looked down, suddenly feeling like complete shit for jumping down his throat, but I knew he didn't actually approve of Jared. "No, I'm sorry I blew up on you. I wish you would just give him a chance. You don't know him like I do. He is genuinely sorry for what happened and I'm in love with him." There, I said it out loud and to someone other than my family. Clenching my jaw, I waited for his reply.

He listened to my words and then carefully chose his. "Honey, I just want the best for you. As long as he treats you well, I have nothing bad to say. I respect him, but I have a hard time trusting that he's changed. You aren't just an employee Jennifer, you should know that by now. Now I'm going to get myself ready. Can you please call my mother and tell her that we will be picking her up for lunch?" He walked away, hurrying down the hallway.

"I will and Luke, thank you. I feel the same way about you." He gave me a wink before disappearing around the corner. I called Leila and he emerged about thirty minutes later fully dressed and ready to go. "I called her and she said to tell you that she loves you and will be ready and waiting. So, she missed me over the weekend?"

He chuckled. "What makes you say that?"

I picked up my purse and walked behind him to the door. "She told me. It's ok, don't be jealous, she still loves you, but she did say that she thinks of me as her daughter." I taunted him.

The meeting went well and I felt like a giddy child in the car on the way to pick up Leila. Jared and I were sending each other sweet, loving texts throughout the day. I smiled with every chime of my phone and couldn't wait to see what he would say next. My fingers flew like lightening across my keyboard.

Leila got into the car and looked from me and back to Luke. "She's absolutely glowing. I won't bother asking how your weekend went because I can see it written all over your face. Son, that's the look of happiness. I sure hope that I will live long enough to see that look on your face." Just as she finished her sentence a text came through. "Is that him?"

I couldn't hold back the huge grin from spreading across my face. "Yes, ma'am."

She granted me a smile, "I'm happy for you my dear, I really am."

"Thank you Leila. That means a great deal coming from you." She was like my second mother and even though she made endless jokes about Luke and I getting married, she knew that it would never happen.

My brain was on Jared and even though I was lost in texting him, I still participated in the conversation. Luke told his mother all about the photo shoot, he had scheduled after lunch. I suggested having her tag along and he agreed. We had a nice time, but by the close of the day I was so ready to see Jared.

I drove straight over there from Luke's house around six. When I came to the door, I noticed that all of the lights appeared to be out. I got a little closer and discovered the door partially open with a note saying to come inside. I followed the rose petals and lit candles up the steps and into the bedroom. They led into the bathroom where Jared was sitting in a bubble bath. "Wow, seriously, I cannot believe you did all of this. Got any room in there for me?"

"Yes, I do as a matter of fact." I grinned up at me.

Dropping my bag and phone on the floor I stripped down as fast as I could and climbed into the hot water. Leaning back against his chest, I instantly relaxed. "I missed waking up with you this morning. God, I hate that the weekend had to end. It was so perfect."

His arms wrapped around me and he hugged me tight. "So spend the night and you can wake up with me tomorrow it will be just like this past weekend. Don't answer now, just think about it. I hope you're hungry because I have some delicious food waiting in the kitchen. No, I didn't cook it so it is edible."

"Well, it looks like you've thought of everything now haven't you?" I laced my fingers with his and stared down at them. My heart raced in my chest and I was starting to feel like an immature school girl."

He laughed. "I should probably tell you that tomorrow night we are having dinner with my mother. I think it's time the two of you meet."

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