Chapter 49

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"Did you miss me this week?" He asked, closing his arms across my chest and squeezing me tight.

"I definitely did, and I was a little afraid that I may have pushed you away for good." I replied, leaning my head back, against him and enjoying his warm embrace. My heart danced in my chest and I was excited to see how our little weekend escape would turn out.

"This week made me realize that there are things that I had no idea I wanted. I see everything differently than I did before. Maybe you're the piece that's been missing from my life." I felt his warm breath in my ear and I couldn't stop smiling. He made me so angry, with the way he treated me over the last few weeks, but now he was like a changed man.

"Jared-" I tried to turn around and speak, but he only cut me off. He held me tightly in his grip, not allowing me to move.

"Please, just let me finish this. If I don't say it now, I don't know if I'll be able to later." Letting out a sigh, he continued. "I've only fallen in love a few times in my life and each time it ended badly. Love is a serious subject to me, and in no way am I saying that I'm in love with you. I'm simply saying that I have feelings for you that could possibly lead to that one day, and I'm willing to work for it." He released me and I finally turned around. "I'm at your mercy this weekend. Whatever you want, I'll do. I just want you to have a good time." He walked across the room and leaned against the edge of the table. Folding his arms, he spoke. "It's kind of late, but did you want to do something?"

"So, you're at my mercy? I kind of like that." I moved toward him, tilting my head. "You're telling me that I can ask for whatever I want, and you'll do it? For the whole weekend?"

He cleared his throat and narrowed his eyes at me. "Within reason, yes."

Oh the thoughts that began to fill my head. "Really?" I muttered, stepping closer and biting my lip. Watching a little grin appear on his perfect face, I knew he was thinking the same thing I was. "You know what I want."

He raised his finger and moved it back and forth. "No, no, it doesn't work that way. You have to say exactly what you want, I'm not a mind reader Jennifer." When I came to a stop directly in front of him, he tilted my head back with his fingers. "Come on, I'm willing to do whatever you ask, but.. you have to be very specific. I know you're not shy, so just say it."

Did he think I wouldn't? Did he think I was too much of a prude to say what was on my mind? Crooking my finger, I curled it, making a come hither motion as I backed up. Taking a seat on the plush couch, I patted the empty cushion next to me. He moved closer, coming to join me on the couch, patiently waiting for my next request. "Kiss me." I whispered.

Leaning forward, he rested his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes. The tip of his fingers lifted my chin as he licked his lips. Very gently, he pressed his mouth against mine. His lips then moved to my cheek kissing along my ear. "You have to learn how to play this game, Jennifer. It's all about control, and right now you're in full control."

"Then I want you to kiss me like you mean it." His lips brushed mine softly, and what started out as a small kiss, grew deeper. He groaned and wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, holding me tightly against him. His tongue pushed past my lips and into my mouth. This kiss was hard yet soft, fiery yet passionate, and I could all of the emotions between us.

"Jennifer." He whispered and I could hear and feel the desperation in his voice. He wanted to touch me, but as he said, I'm in control.

Excitement raced through my body and l leaned forward, biting his earlobe. "Jared." Guiding him to sit in the chair next to the table, I leaned down, giving him a kiss on the neck. "I've been bad." I purred into his ear and crawled over his lap.

"Jennifer." He warned.

Ignoring him, I continued. "I lied to you, I didn't sleep with Michael." I could feel the electricity building in my skin with the thought of his hand striking my bare ass. "I want you to punish me Jared."

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