Chapter 25 Jared

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'Fuck!' Jen is already saying that she will miss me. I mean, it's one thing to think it to yourself, but quite another to actually say it aloud to the other person. I rubbed both hands over my face and felt a headache coming on. It's only been a few weeks and it's not like I've made any kind of indication to her that we were anything more than just a convenience.

I sent Shayla out to pick up something for Shannon and mom. I couldn't come to London and not bring them something back. While she was out doing that, I had to finish packing. The knocking on the door caught me off guard. I glanced down at my watch and crinkled my nose, not expecting anyone since Jen was already at the airport. "Coming." I called out, rushing to the door.

I opened the door to see Nicole standing there in a skimpy little ensemble and with a huge smirk on her face. "Not yet you aren't, but I can fix that if you like." This girl was something else, showing up here in the shortest skirt I think I've ever seen in my life, and so damn pushy.

"I'm not in the mood, don't you have packing to do?" I asked, leaning against the door, not bothering to invite her in.

"Done. Thought I'd uh, come offer my services to you again before we fly out together." She raised her eyebrows.

"What the fuck do you mean together?" I didn't even try to hide the annoyance in my voice.

She grinned and put her hands on my arms in an attempt to move me so that she could get by. "Baby, we are on the same flight, didn't little miss prude tell you? I'm so thrilled about this. Had she not mentioned the time of your flight, I wouldn't have known until we were at the airport. Now we can just go together."

Shrugging free, I glared at her. "Ok, first of all, no, there is no you and I together! I'm flying with Shayla back to LA and then I plan to get as far from you as possible." I pointed my finger at her. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish packing." I turned to walk back inside, but she stopped me from closing the door, screaming loud enough for everyone on my floor to hear her.

"It didn't seem to bother you when you wanted your dick sucked!" Just as the words left her mouth, Shayla rounded the corner. I'd witnessed that look before, it was complete disgust.

Shayla pushed the door open and walked past me. "Goodbye, Nicole." I closed the door and focused on Shayla. "Not one word from you!"

I slammed the door behind me and finished my packing. I didn't want anything more to do with Nicole, not because of any kind of loyalty to Jennifer, but because I didn't want to get any more involved with her than I already had been. I knew exactly what kind of person she was, and I know exactly what she was doing to Jen. Purposely doing shitty, underhanded things behind Jen's back was cruel and spiteful. I knew that I was guilty for going along with what happened the other night, but she was intentionally doing this shit to her friend.

The internal war between my heart and brain was making me crazy. My brain rationalized the fact that I wasn't in a relationship with Jen. I'm just a single guy and can do as I please. There was no ring on my finger and I'd made promises to no one, so why do I feel so fucking guilty? I didn't want to hurt Jen and I found myself thinking about her way more than I should. She was so beautiful this morning, pinned under me. 'The fuck are you doing?' I asked myself. I had to finish getting things ready to go and stop thinking about her.

An hour later, we were in the lobby and loading up to leave for the airport. Shayla elbowed me to alert me of Nicole approaching. "Hey, can I ride with you since we're going to the same place?"

"Sorry, there's no room in the taxi." I climbed into the back seat with Shayla and slammed the door. I wasn't lying, there really wasn't any room, but I was purposely being rude.

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