Chapter 4

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What started off as soft and gentle, quickly became rough and intense. With his body pressed snugly against mine, his hands moved under my clothing, touching and teasing me. As the minutes passed, it was getting harder and harder to say stop. "Jared..." I muttered, trying to think instead of just feeling.

His mouth moved along my neck, biting and sucking, short circuiting my brain and making it harder to concentrate on the words I wanted to say. Breaking away from my flesh only long enough to answer me, the lower half of his body kept grinding against mine. "Yes?" He asked, dragging his teeth across my skin.

What was it that I wanted to say again? With my legs wrapped around his waist, I could feel him growing harder and hated what I was about to do. "Jared... we.... have...." Every word a struggle to get out. God, I wanted nothing more than to just stay here and finish what he started, but my boss said an hour and he would be pissed if I were late. "to stop."

He raised up on his hands and looked down at me. "Stop? Oh, come on, you don't really want to stop, do you?" He circled his hips against mine, firmly pressing his lower body against my dampening core. Teasing was his game and he was the master of torment.

"No, I don't, but.. Luke said an hour and I don't want him asking questions. I'm sorry."

"We still have thirty minutes and I promise you that I can satisfy us both in that time."

He leaned down to kiss me once more. I put my hand firmly against his chest to stop him. "Oh, I know you're more than capable of that, it's just that I don't want to rush. If I'm gonna have you, again, I want to be able to take my time. You know, take my time and enjoy it." I could see the look on his face change as I spoke and I knew he wasn't happy. "I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy last night." I covered my hands over my face. "I.. Didn't mean it to say it like that. I just mean that-"

He immediately got up off the couch and adjusted his clothes before cutting me off. "It's ok." He held out his hand and helped me up. I ran my fingers through my hair, instantly regretting even opening my mouth.

"You're upset?" I asked, but the look of rejection on his face was obvious. He shoved his hands in his pockets and paced back and forth for a few seconds.

"No, not upset at all." He was lying, I could see it written all over his face. "I understand how things are and I know you have to work. I was just trying to have a few minutes with you before you left. Well, you better get back before he starts to wonder if I've stolen you from him."

"I'll see you later, right?" I was actually a little afraid that he was angry with me. I walked slowly toward the door.

He followed behind me with his arms folded. "Yeah, maybe we will see each other tonight. If not, we do work within close range of each other. Have a good time." He hugged me before opening the door and letting me out. Making my way slowly toward the elevator I knew that he was angry with me but didn't show it. What the hell do I do now?

Opening the door to my room, I had enough time to change and relax for a few minutes before Luke was texting me to ask if I was ready. I met him in the lobby and we walked out to the car. "I made reservations, but they can't take us until later, so I thought we could go shopping first." He sat next to me looking at his phone. "You look really tired, Jennifer. Maybe you should try and get to sleep earlier tonight."

"Yeah, I'll try and do that." There was no chance of that with him wanting to go shopping but he doesn't pay me to complain, so I kept my mouth shut. I couldn't get my mind off of Jared. The way his lips feel against mine and all of his cocky comebacks. He really was the perfect guy in my eyes at least.

After I was dragged from shop to shop looking at things Luke certainly doesn't need, he made a few purchases and we were headed to the restaurant. I couldn't see why he needed to make reservations, it was packed.

We were taken to our table and I looked over the menu. I had only been there once before and didn't remember much about it, other than it's fancy presentation of the food. Didn't impress me much, but he loved it.

"So how did things go with meeting Leto's PA?" He asked with a grin.

"It was fine." I was a horrible liar and changed the subject right away. "What are you going to order?" I stared back down at my menu in hopes he would drop the subject.

"The same thing I always order. So, she was nice?" He sat back in his chair and looked around the restaurant.

"Yes, she was. Why don't you try something new?" I would do anything to get his mind off the subject of Jared and his PA.

"Because I don't want to try anything new. Jesus, what's wrong with you today? You're acting weird." Luke stared at me. "You never act like this." He picked up his water and took a few sips.

"Sorry. I'm just a little tired." I said clearing my throat and struggling to find something on the menu that appealed to my taste. I just wanted to get the hell out of here and go back to the hotel so I could relax. The waiter came and took our order. I ordered the first thing I could pronounce on the menu and probably wouldn't even eat it.

"Interesting..." He laughed. "Blonde?"

Tilting my head I looked at him. "Excuse me?" I hated when he did that. Says one damn word, like I'm supposed to know what he means.

"The PA, was she a blonde?" I followed his eyes to see Jared being seated with a blonde that I had never seen before. I swallowed hard and picked up my water. Shit! Was his PA a blonde?

"That her?" He asked again.

I was squirming in my seat now that I was caught in a lie. No amount of quick thinking would pull my ass out of this one. "Well.. uhm." Fuck! Was that her or just his date for the night?

He began smirking. "Jennifer, I'm not stupid, ya know. I do know exactly what's going on here."

"Luke, I'm sorry, I should have told you. I feel so stupid for trying to keep it a secret. It's not like it really matters and it won't interfere with my work performance, I promise." I was rambling on like an idiot.

He leaned forward, winking. "It's ok, really. Happens to everyone. It happened to my mother the first time she laid eyes on Jordan whatever his name was on that show." Wait... What? My boss sat back in his chair, smiling like crazy and pointing at me. "I knew you had a crush on Jared! I bet you're just full of secrets, aren't you?"

I let out a relieved breath. "A crush, yes." I almost gave myself away like an idiot. Once I had a chance to calm down, jealousy replaced embarrassment as I looked over at Jared's table.

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