Chapter 52

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"Jennifer, grab the fruit tray from the refrigerator and let's go rescue your boyfriend from your father. You do realize where you sent him, right? Your dad will be showing him every single record that he owns." I loved that my mother was so down to earth and fun. Growing up, most of my friends didn't have the kind of relationship that my mother and I had. I feel truly lucky to have had the childhood that I did. I picked up the tray and followed her out of the kitchen. "I hope you're satisfied with yourself." She said, folding her arms and tilting her head, nodding to the sound of music coming from upstairs. "Of all places to send them, it had to be that room. Let's go, you're going to have to help me."

Once up the stairs, I entered my father's little escape with my mother and watched them laughing as the music of my childhood played in the background. My father had the widest range of musical taste and I seem to have inherited it. I watched mom walk over to my dad and tap his shoulder. "Jake, come on, stop torturing poor Jared. Jennifer and I would like you two to come join us."

He looked over at me and nodded, "You ladies go ahead, we will be down in a minute." Jared was busy looking at the massive collection of the albums that lines the shelves. Mom walked back over and rolled her eyes. "I tried, Jennifer." She joked, shaking her head.

I followed her back downstairs and we became lost in our own conversation. She told me all about my grandmother's vacation plans to go and visit Jason in Hawaii. That should be interesting, grandma by herself on a plane was hilarious. Since I started working for Luke, I don't get to see my family as often as I'd like to, but this Christmas I planned to come home. Jason and Jas were also flying in for the holidays, so I knew my parents will be thrilled to have us all together again. She also told me about the surgery my aunt had while I was in London. She then asked about Luke. I was playing with Buddy, my mother's orange tabby cat when I could hear her complaining that daddy still had Jared held hostage upstairs. She stood and I grabbed her arm. "Let me."

She took Buddy from my arms and I ran up the stairs. Music was still playing and they were huddled near a stack of records,  busy discussing whatever album dad was holding. I walked over to Jared and slid my arm around his, staring at my father. "Dad, you're going to get yourself in big trouble with mom if you don't wrap it up."

"We will be right there, sweetheart. Finally, you bring me someone who has great taste in music and then you want to rush me."

Jared gave me a wink. "Five more minutes, I promise." He kissed my cheek and I walked back down the stairs.

My mother dropped her head back. "You know that your father loves to spend time up there and when you bring someone with the same interest, he will never come down." Opening my bottle of water, I took a sip and raised my eyebrows to the sound of the door closing.

They finally came down the steps laughing. "Nice of you two to join us." My mother glared at my dad.

Jared sat next to me. "Sorry we took so long." He turned to look at me. "I was telling your father that they should come out to LA for a visit. I think it would be fun, and you're less than an hour away. I have quite an extensive collection of my own and I'd love to show it to you, Jake."

"I would enjoy that very much." He looked at the fruit tray on the table and back at my mother. "Why are you dragging this crap out now? Aren't we going to lunch?"

"You're the one who spent an hour up in that damn room. Just eat some fruit and be quiet. The doctor says that you need to cut back on the junk food anyway." She looked at me giggling. "He's such a hard head these days."

Jared picked up a few grapes and pineapple chunks, popping them into his mouth. "We can actually leave for lunch now. I mean by the time we drive to the hotel, I'm sure we will be seated. I made reservations, but I'm sure they can take us a few minutes early."

"Good, I'm starving." My dad stood up and my mom rolled her eyes before picking up the tray of fruit. She headed back to the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with her purse. "We will follow you." Daddy grabbed his keys and led the way outside.

Jared drove to the hotel, grinning like an idiot. "Jennifer, I really like your parents. Your dad is a character. You never told me that he plays guitar." He placed his hand over the top of mine as he laced our fingers.

"He used to when I was a kid, but I haven't seen him do it in years." I stared at him, just watching him looking at the road as he drove. He was a huge Journey fan when I was little, he's got every album.

"I saw. The man's got great taste. Speaking of, your mother is stunning, I see where you get your looks."

"Thank you." I couldn't wait to meet his mother and wondered if that was in his plans.

When we got to the hotel, we followed my parents in the lobby. Jared made reservations at their gourmet restaurant. Jared insisted that he was paying for lunch and told my parents to order whatever they wanted. In the middle of eating, he excused himself from the table to take a call and returned a short time later.

Daddy told embarrassing stories from my childhood, while my mother did nothing to stop him. It went extremely well, they loved him. About an hour later, Jared walked with dad ahead of us and mom leaned in closer. "Jennifer, I really do like him a lot and I think you need to let the past go. In life, there are no mistakes, only lessons. Nicole was a lesson baby." She was quiet for only a few seconds. "Jared's face lights up when he looks at you. He's head over heels for you girl."

I couldn't stop smiling at her comments. Mom had never been a fan of Nicole, always asking what I saw in our friendship. Even though mom never cared for her, Nicole was still treated just like family and had always been welcome in my family's home.

She purposely bumped my shoulder, "You're in love with him too, I can see it, and anyway, they're bonding." She nodded at Jared and Dad. "Not to mention that your father really has something in common with this one. Jesus, can you imagine if you guys come for Christmas, we'll never get them out of the music room."

I laughed, but I knew it was true. We stopped behind the car and I hugged my mom. "I know you guys want some time alone, but I hope we can see you before you leave tomorrow."

"I can assure you that you'll see us again before we head back to LA." Jared promised, leaning in to hug my mother. "The pleasure was all mine Jaylyn." He shook my dad's hand. "Jake, hopefully next time you can come to my home and I'll show you my goodies."

"Looking forward to it." He stepped in front of me and hugged me tightly. "You guys have a good time sweetheart, and we will see you later." I was lucky to have them as parents, they were so easy to get along with compared to some of my friend's parents. We stood there, watching them until they drove away.

Jared held my hand as we walked back through the lobby and didn't let go until we were inside the elevator. "That couldn't have gone any better, really. I was so nervous until I saw your father's music room. I knew right then and there that we would be great friends."

"I knew they'd like you. Like I said, you'd have to really do something awful for them not to." I told him, watching him lean back and stare down at his phone screen. I followed him out of the elevator and down the hallway. Once inside our room, I laid across the bed.

Placing his phone down on the table next to the bed, he laid next to me and slid his arm around my waist. "Thank you for coming with me. We really needed a few days away together."

I stayed silent for a few seconds, but he pulled me closer. He stared at me and I cupped his face with both hands. I wanted to tell him that I was falling in love with him, but chickened out. Instead, I pressed my lips to his. The kiss was firm, yet gentle and my entire body had been taken over by the overwhelming feeling of total satisfaction. He placed his hand on my waist and drew me even closer, deepening the kiss. As we parted, I saw his eyes sparkle and lips curve up into a smile.

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