Chapter 1

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Written by myself and @miss-shannanigans

This Is War
Requested by: @echelon1969


I knocked on his door, constantly looking around to make sure that nobody was watching me. The last thing I wanted, was for any of my fellow employees to see me entering a guest's room on my day off. The debate went on inside of my head all day long, do I go and possibly have the best time ever, or just forget about it? I couldn't believe I was actually going through with it, but then again, I couldn't resist his offer of getting to know him a little better. The door opened and he grinned when he saw me. "I've been waiting for you."

I was the assistant manager at swanky hotel for a few years now, but rarely had any guy hit on me quite as hard as Jared Leto. It was my weekend off and I was only there to bring Nicole something for dinner. She was a good friend who worked the front desk over night and called to ask me if I would mind picking up some sushi for her. If I hadn't been delivering the food to her, I probably never would've met him. Being a hard core Mars fan, I knew who he was the second he walked in, and when he started flirting, I did it right back. He stood in the lobby, talking to me long after he was checked in. He joked around a bit, but still handed me a pass to the show for the following night. He told me that he'd love for me to come by his room after the show. "It'll be fun." He promised. I thanked him profusely and let him know that I had to think about it as I backed out of the hotel, almost walking into some extra chairs stationed in the lobby on my way out. Think about it my ass, I knew I was going to that hotel room, no doubt about it.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting long." I mumbled nervously. He was already standing in front of me, moving his hands to my hips and pulling me closer. What the hell was happening? My hands began to tremble when I looked down at his chest through his unbuttoned shirt. Of course, I had seen photos of him shirtless on stage many times before, but this was different, it was up close and personal. Perfection couldn't even begin to describe how he looked.

"I knew you'd show up." He closed his eyes and pressed his lips to mine, slowly sliding his tongue across my bottom lip. His hand rested just below my ear and his thumb softly caressed my cheek. I was completely unprepared for this, but thrilled that it was actually happening. His mouth tasted of mint and my first thought was that he had been chewing gum before I arrived. When he finally pulled away, I took a deep breath and tried to gather my thoughts. That kiss was so hot and had me already dying for more. The warmth of his lips moving down my neck, radiated throughout my body and sent a tingle directly down my spine.

"Damn, you smell so good." His deep, sexy voice whispered against my neck. 'I do? Well, nice of you to notice.' His scent was a mixture of soap and cologne.

"T-thanks." His teeth sank into my neck, not hard, but not gentle either. His hands moving up my sides, only making it harder for me to think. I swallowed hard, trying my best not to do anything stupid.

"Do I make you nervous?" He whispered against the back of my neck as he walked around to stand behind me. With one hand, he pushed the hair away from my neck as the other slid around my waist. His mouth was now working on the outer shell of my ear. Oh God, my knees felt so weak. I can't have sex with him! I don't even know him.

"No." I lied, feeling his body pressed up against my back.

"Liar." He laughed, raking his nails down my arm and pressing his fingers to the inside of my wrist. "Your heart is racing and I can hear the nervousness in your voice when you speak. Come on, relax. I said we would get to know each other better, and I promise not to bite .... too hard." His voice was so deep that I could feel the vibration against my back as he spoke.

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