Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee

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A very loud, sickening crack screams though the air, as the Grimm's horn. Was broken off. By my own foot. The Grimm of course roars in pain. I pick in the broken horn, and I rise it over my head, then I stab it with its horn in it's back left leg. It howls in pain a it struggles. As it tries to get away from me, I watch it sqirm in pain. It bleeding from the best down I have it. The pain in my ribs.... Disappeared....  I slowly walk up to it. It struggles more. I shut its struggling up with a vicious rich punch. Across its face. Making its head crash onto the floor. Creating a hard thud. As it was dazed, I move behind it, I grab its remaining horn, and the back if its head, and start to pull.

The Grimm squeals and roars in pain as its head was forced back. It still tries struggling. But I kick it in the ribs, making them crack. I keep pulling it head, making its neck stretch. "RRRRRRRR...!!" I growl as I pull, even harder. The Grimm cries in pain, as I pull harder then ever, to the point of causing more damage. And casue serious damage in the Grimm's neck. Soon that happened, as slowly.... Very slowly.... Cracks we're heard in its neck. Making the Grimm scream in anguish. I punch it in its face one last time. Knocking it down. I grab it again, and with all my might, I pull at its head. It's skin broke and started to peel like a streched out plastic bag. Blood poured from its wounds as also cracks from its spine braking roared though the air. The Grimm was sqealing bloody murder now.

Soon, the ripping skin gives way, so dose it's vertebrae. As, it's head was ripped from it's shoulders. Blood squirts and fly's everywhere. Also staining the front of my jeans and my white jacket. I rise the head up, blood drips from the ripped end. While half of it's spine dangled from its half ripped out neck. I look down at its body. It was crumbled and partly bent in sickening derections and covered in crimson. Do to its spine being ripped out, it's body's frame was destroyed. It's arm badly broken, and it's ribs shattered. I drop it's head. A small splat came from it as it splashes in the pool of blood.

"Prick..." I mutter. I look up at Ruby who was in utter shock. So was Yang and Blake. And everyone less in this room. That includes our teacher Peter. "..... How did you do that?" He asks. Everyone was thinking or asks the same question.
"I don't even know self. Call it a little ability I have." I said. And with that, I walked out. "Wait! (Y/N)!" Ruby explained.

Some small amount of walking later, we finally caught up to Weiss. "Weiss! Hold on!" I exclaimed. She stops. "Wha- AHH! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" She shouts seeing the blood covering my clothes. "Did you murder someone!? Stay away from me! Teacher! POLICE!!" Weiss shouts about to run away. But I grab her hand. "Nonononono! I did not kill some- would you- would you PLEASE STOP SCREAMING AND SHUT UP!!" I yell. As Weiss wasn't making this easy.

"It's the Grimm you fought!" I explained. "What's? That's impossible! I hit a vital organ." Weiss replied. "Well, Ruby was right. By the way you hit a rib or it's collarbone." I said. "No I didn't." Weiss said. "Then why didn't it die?" I asked. Weiss pauses "Whatever." She said monotone. Crossing her arms. "But why are you mad at Ruby?" I asks. "Why wouldn't I be! She's so immature, she never pays attention. And she always off task! She's not suited to be a leader." Weiss ssid. The look on Ruby's face was heartbreaking. "Weiss that was low. What did parents thought you?" "They taught me on how to be a skilled fighter and an ACTUAL be a leader. It's like her parents didn't teach her-" I was gonna say something to Weiss' insult. But Ruby beat me to it. "Don't say that..." She mutters. "I may not be the best leader... Or even the best huntress. But the only reason why I even wanted to become a huntress.... Was because of my mom....! She left to go on a mission! And she never came back...." Ruby said, tremors in her voice. "So please.... Don't talk about people's family.... Everyone was rised differently. And we have our reasoning for being a huntress... And that's my reason... So Weiss. I'm sorry you weren't the leader, if I the ability. I would make you the leader, bit I can't. And I know I'm not the leader you wanted to be lead by but..." Ruby pauses. "Work with me. Please, it's only been then first few days." Ruby said, desperation in her voice. I was amazed by this.... This tear jerking speech Ruby made..... It was something that came from her heart. And.... It was adorable and beautiful.

Weiss was at a lost for words. "Ruby.... I... I had... " Weiss stammers. She was at lost. "You should really stop doing what you doing Weiss. Words can hurt more then a bullet from a high calaber rifle." I said. "Um... And i'm sorry to break this moment, please for give me but.... Where the showers and laundry?" I asked. Weiss and Ruby snap back to to me. "Oh it's over here." Ruby said as the two guide me to clean myself.

A teacher and a professor were watching
The conversation of Weiss, Ruby, and (Y/N). The teacher Peter just looked onward while Ozpin smiled. "I knew there was something special about Mr. (L/N). He has this aura to him." Ozpin said taking a sip of his coffee. "You mean beside the strength to rip a Grimm's head off with his own hands?" Peter asks. "Like I said Peter. He's had something special to him. Like a protagonist in s boom or show. I know, he'll active great things with Team RWBY and beyond." Ozpin said smiling. He couldn't get it off his face. Peter smiles too. They were right. (Y/N) has something special about him. But..........

It's not a bright one......


A darker.....

More horrifying thing...... Just waiting to come out..... And (Y/N) will soon have to confront with the very people who did this to him........

???. Soon (Y/N). Soon. WE. Will show the word our true power. Dont you worry. I won't let anything kill you... Just wait. He he he he....

A voice deep in the subconscious of (Y/N) said, gently laughing to himself as he anticipated the fury the TWO will bring....

The Symbiote Prototype: A RWBY Anime Crossover Story (SADLY CANCELED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu