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--= Emmett =--

So, apparently, Bella knew about the thing in my girlfriend's stomach now. Edward called me to let me know, and honestly, I was scared to go home now. But, I have to face her sometime. Rosalie assured me that Belly was all bark and no bite, but she still had a loud bark. It could be mean. It could hurt my feelings.

I unlocked the front door and opened it as quietly as possible, but Edward was standing there with a stupid grin on his face, his arms crossed.

I shook my head desperately. "Don't you dare, dude," I growled.

"Funny, I remember saying that when you relentlessly questioned me about my sex life, Em," Edward mused, his eyes filled with evil humor. The dickhead.

"Come on, dude, I was just messing around with you," I pleaded. "I was never trying to piss you off. I'm Emmett. I'm nosy. It's who I am. Stop playing a game that isn't yours to play."

Something flashed in his eyes, and I immediately knew I messed up.

"Oh, Bella, love! Emmett's home!" He called, and my eyes widened. I'm completely and utterly screwed. Goodbye mini Emmett, it was nice knowing you. It will hurt to lose you in more ways than one. You're getting chopped off. Gone. Emmett will be no more. I will be known as Emma.

"Emmett Michael McCarty!" Bella screamed, stomping down the stairs as my mind chanted. Emma, Emma, Emma. "How dare you knock up my best friend!" her eyes flashed with rage, and she glared up at me before cocking back and punching me square in the jaw.

"Ow!" She whined, holding her hand.

I held my jaw and looked at her curiously before I pointed at her fist. "You're supposed to punch with the first two knuckles and step with the leg on the side you're punching with to gain momentum."

"I don't need punching lessons from you, Emmett! Why would you keep this a secret from me?!"

I let my hand fall back down to my side as Edward gently inspected her hand that she failed to injure me with. "Technically, I didn't keep it a secret. You never asked."

She rolled her eyes at me. She tended to do that a lot. "You better not ditch my best friend, Emmett. You put that baby there, and now you need to take responsibility. Because if you don't, I'll make sure you never have the opportunity to knock anyone up ever again."

I smiled, nodding. "Yes, ma'am."

With a last eye roll, she turned and stomped back upstairs.

Eddie turned to me, frowning slightly. "You didn't have to push her buttons, Emmett."

"Hey," I said, raising my hands up in defense, "That's your job, not mine."

He seemed to consider what I said for a moment before he grimaced and punched me in the chest. "You're so gross, Emmett. Everything is an innuendo with you."

Despite his reaction though, we found ourselves both laughing before he patted me on the back.

"Congrats, man." He said.

I smiled genuinely, thinking about my beautiful Rose, carrying little Emmett jr. in her belly. "Thanks, Eddie."


--= Bella =--

A few hours after I had my little meltdown with Emmett, I decided I wanted to do something. Although the past few weeks had been non-stop and absolutely exhausting, I figured it couldn't hurt to go out and do something fun with my boyfriend for once.

Edward mentioned a party that was happening tonight with some of his actor friends, and even though I wasn't exactly all-for the party scene, I figured it would be a good way to prepare for the fame that Heartstrings would bring.

So, here I was in the bathroom, struggling to reach all of my hair to curl it all evenly. It was much more difficult now that it was thick again. Usually I had it thinned out so it was easier to deal with, but I had been too busy to go to the hair dresser's lately.

Suddenly, I felt Edward's cool arms wrap around my waist and I made eye contact with him in the mirror. His lips pressed under my ear and I closed my eyes, his soft breath brushing against my cheek.

"Do you need help, Bella?" he asked me, gently pulling my arm down and reaching for the curling iron. I eyed him skeptically.

"There's no way you know what you're doing." I said. "You'll burn it all off."

He chuckled, prying the scalding hot tool from my hands. "I grew up with two older sisters, Bella. I had to learn,"

I thought about that for a moment, before nodding and letting him start styling the back of my hair. My eyes never left him as I watched him focus. He was beautiful when he was focused on something. I could watch him all day.

As he pulled apart a lock of my hair to the perfect amount to curl, a small smile played on his perfect lips. "Have I ever mentioned how much I love your hair? It's so soft. And the colour... It's beautiful on you," he stated, wrapping the lock around the wand. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I smiled at his compliment.

"Thank you."

Much sooner than I could have, Edward finished curling my hair. I twisted and turned, looking at it in every way I could in the mirror.

"Wow," I sighed, frowning.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his face falling. "Did I not do it right?"

"No, you did it perfectly. Which isn't fair. You really are perfect at everything, babe."

He laughed, his head falling back. "God, Bella. I love you so much."

I smiled. "I love you more."

"I love you most," he murmured, kissing my lips softly.

ActionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora