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{ - Whew. Time to get back into writing, eh? - }



The wind broke through my hair, making tendrils tangle and curl as I rode with the top down in Edward's second car - his gorgeous black BMW convertible. I wouldn't say Washington was exactly the right place for a convertible, but it was nearing sixty degrees today, so I insisted we rolled the top down.

Today was the day; the first day of filming Heartstrings. I was excited, but at the same time, I was extremely nervous. Until they had enough concealer to cake on me to hide my burn scars on my calf and my right arm, I would have to wear long sleeved shirts and jeans. I didn't exactly mind; it's pretty much what I wear on a day-to-day basis anyway. I just found it slightly irritating when I had to wear those clothing items, and not just because I wanted to.

Edward reached over and held my hand before pulling it to his lips and kissing my knuckles. I glanced over, a small smile playing on my lips, and tried to move closer to him without the seatbelt biting into my side.

"It's beautiful today," he sighed, and I watched mesmerized as his hair flew all over the place in the wind and the sun brought out the beautiful copper tones in his messy brown hair.

I simply nodded in agreement, leaning my head back and enjoying the ride. Everything seemed so peaceful, and I was so happy that everything in the past two weeks was behind me. Tanya was in jail, Rosalie was perfectly fine and she was working closely with Steve on what stunts I could and couldn't do in the movie, Emmett and Rose were happily and blissfully in love, and Edward... well, Edward loved me. What more could I possible ask for?

Everything was... perfect.


"Miss Swan, move left a little more. More... perfect. James, what do you think? More light?" Steve jabbered on as Josephine was getting pampered off to the side of the set and I was being constantly caked with powder foundation.

The first scene we decided to film was when Serenity walked into her first day of school and walked into the wrong classroom. I was in a busy high school with a bunch of girls who were drooling over my boyfriend instead of doing their exams like they were supposed to be. The number of escorts off of the set was at six and slowly rising.

"Can you please fix his hair?" Steve asked impatiently. Sighing, Jewels walked over to him and started fluffing up his hair.

"This isn't even my job," I heard her mutter, and Edward chuckled.

"Okay, places everyone!" Steve boomed. He sounded panicked.

I moved a little more to give the cameras more room, and Edward and the girl playing Delia, who I remembered as Kaitlyn, walked into the classroom and sat down in their assigned seats. James told the guy next to me whose name I didn't recall, so I just called him the reflector guy, to move the reflector closer to me.

"Scene one, take one... action." Steve said.

Hearing the cue, I looked around as instructed before reaching for the classroom door handle. I went to pull it down, but it had locked and I walked into the closed door.

I began laughing awkwardly as everyone else on set started laughing, and the teacher apologized before taking off the automatic lock. I recognized Edward's chuckle out of all of the laughs, and I smiled to myself.

After a moment, everyone reset their places, and the camera guys inside of the classroom adjusted their positions to get a better angle. I knew because I could hear them scrambling around inside.

"Scene one, take two," Steve said, and he snapped the clapperboard. I copied my actions from before, luckily managing to open the door this time.

I walked in and caught eyes with Edward before looking around at the rest of the class, my cheeks turning red. I was lucky enough to be blessed with easy embarrassment, so it's pretty easy to make myself blush on command.

"May I help you miss?" The teacher asked me. I saw Edward out of the corner of my eye, nudging his friend and whispering under his breath.

"I... um..." I stuttered, looking around. "This isn't Mr. Murphey's class?"

The extras and the rest of the actors in the classroom began laughing at me on cue, but of course, I only picked up on Edward's laugh.

"I'm sorry dear, no, it's not." Glenda, the woman playing Mrs. Gills, replied.

I mutter an awkward, embarrassed apology before glaring at Kaitlyn, whose laughter rang loudest of all, and rushing out.

"Cut!" Steve said, and the crew applauded politely before we began discussing and getting ready to move to the next area we would film.

This was going to be a long day.

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