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-*+ Bella +*-

"Well, obviously... I've been dreaming about the movie," I bluffed.

"Oh," He said, his eyebrows raising. "Okay!"

"Did you really think I would dream about you?" I asked, faking my revulsion.

"Well, I mean..." he looked like he was feeling awkward.

"You did!"

"No, I -"

"You thought I was dreaming about you! God, how egotistical can you get?" I flung myself off the couch and walked swiftly to the kitchen, wrenching open the fridge.

"I don't know what I did to make you mad at me," he said, following me.

"I just... just leave me alone, okay?" I would not allow myself to fall for him.

"I thought we were getting along well, though," he said. He looked hurt, and I couldn't contain myself.

"No, no, no! We were - we- we are! Um, that was my... acting! Heh, tada!!!"

"Oh! You're really good, then," he chuckled halfheartedly.


"I love this band," Edward said, picking the album from my shelf.

"Really?" I asked. I honestly was surprised he liked Skillet.

"Yeah, I have tons of different tastes."


"I can see. Beethoven... Taylor Swift... Eminem?" he named the albums he found.

"Yeah, Eminem's the only rapper I really like. He speaks to me, you know? It's not just about girls and parties, and getting drunk."

"I get it," he nodded, taking my Debussy album from the shelf.

"Oh, um, that's nothing..."

"I love Clair de Lune," he murmured, reading the song titles. I smiled despite myself. That was my favorite from him, too.

"It doesn't seem like nothing - you circled Clair de Lune with a sharpie?" he pointed to the back of the album.

"It's my favorite," I admitted sheepishly. He smiled.

"It's my favorite, too."

"Okay, I'm in here, too!" Rosalie wailed from her bed.

"We know." Edward and I said together. We started snickering and Rosalie just rolled her eyes, flipping to the next page in her magazine.

"Okay, come here," Edward commanded, sitting down at my bay window. I say down next to him.

"We are going to ask each other questions to get to know each other better."

"Alright." I looked over at Rosalie, and her eyes met mine.

"Fine, fine, I'm going," she sighed, jumping off her bed and shuffling out of the room.

{ = I'm gonna answer these questions for Bella with the answers I would pick. = }

"Okay, umm... favorite color?" he asked.

"Come on, you've got to be more creative than that. Emerald green."

"Okay, your turn."

"Favorite color?"

"Blue. Favorite gemstone?"

"Emerald, obviously,"

He sniggered. I realized I was staring at his emerald eyes as I said these things, and I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.

"What's your favorite fruit?" I asked him.

"Apples, or pineapples."


"Guys," Rosalie said, walking in.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed.

"I live here."

"I told you to get out,"

"It's my room, too."

"I pay most of the bills."

"Just shush, okay? Emmett's downstairs, and he's looking for Edward."

"Ah, that's my cue. I'll see you, Bella." Edward sighed, standing up. He gave me my favorite crooked smile before turning to leave.

He shut the door softly behind him, and I heard his footsteps on the stairs as he descended.

I heard the front door shut and an engine start, and I looked out the window to watch Emmett drive away with Edward in the passenger seat. Edward waved to me through the window, and I placed my hand on the glass, silently begging him not to go.

"Bella. Get a grip! He had to leave eventually."

"I didn't want him to, though," I mumbled. What am I saying? Do I want to like him, or not? Was I going to allow myself to fall for him, or not? I was beginning to confuse even myself.

"Well, I haven't gotten much time with Emmett at all. And we're dating!"

I gasped, and Rosalie clapped her hand over her mouth.

"You're what?" I asked incredulously.

"Nothing!" she squeaked, and ran out the door. I followed hot on her trails, and tackled her just as we got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Tell me," I demanded.

"No," she wailed.

"Tell me!"


"Tell me!"

"Okay, I will if you get off of me."

Reluctantly, I got off of her, and she stood and ran. I rolled my eyes and chased after her again, tackling her on the sofa.

"Don't make me scream," she threatened.

"Go ahead! I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me," I said stubbornly.

"But Emmett doesn't want me to tell anyone that-"

"That what?"

"That... we're... dating." she confessed.

"Rose! I'm so happy for you!" I cried, getting off of her.

"Thanks," she mumbled, rubbing the red mark from where my elbow dug painfully into her arm.

"Come on! Let's celebrate with smoothies; my treat!"

"Okay!" she cried, and we walked out the door arm in arm.


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