-*+ 38 +*-

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{ - I went from an average of 1k views per chapter to 100 😫 I'll do better I promise?? This is my longest update in a long time, if not in the whole book! - }

-= Bella =-

"Cut! That's a wrap for today!" Steve announced, and I felt my tired legs practically crack in relief as I sank into a random chair to the side of the set.

We had filmed six scenes today, and I was absolutely exhausted. For one scene, I had to run on a mechanical treadmill thing for a total of probably forty-five minutes, and I'm not exactly running in my free time.

Edward walked over and he smiled warmly at me as he knelt down beside me.

"Hey. How are you?" He asked simply.

"Tired. You did really good today," I added, not wanting to just complain to him.

"Only because I have a great costar," he winked cheekily at me and kissed the back of my hand before he stood back up. "I'm going to go to my dressing room and change back to my normal clothes. Why don't you come over tonight?"

I smiled and nodded. Part of me agreed because I couldn't wait to spend the night alone with Edward - while part of me couldn't bear to hear Rosalie and Emmett downstairs while I was trying to sleep another night.

I swear those two are like vampires. Do they ever sleep anymore?

I stood up, rolling my long sleeves up to my elbows. I turned to head out to my dressing room, but before I could, James walked over to me and stopped me.

"Bella!" He called, jogging over.

"Yeah James?" I asked, turning to him.

"Great work today. We're going to try to pick out the best versions of those scenes. We shouldn't need you until some time next week. Just keep your phone on you, okay?"

"I will. Thanks James. I'm glad to be working with you."

"My pleasure, Bella. Make sure to study your lines!"

"I will." Finally escaping from the demanding crew, I hurried to my dressing room door and stuck the key in. I turned it and heard the click of the lock and I walked in, inhaling the smell of fresh peppermint and the undercurrent of pine and a sort of spice I can't recall the name of. Immediately, a thought came into my mind.

Edward's been in here.

Smiling at the thought that he had been in here a little while ago, I look around, expecting to find a sign, or even him himself standing in the corner. But I didn't see anything.

My face fell a little but I shrugged it off, and I started towards the door to the way-too-unnecessarily-large closet. On my way, I felt something hit my foot and slide across the plush carpet. Looking down curiously, I see a small, beautiful glass box.

 Looking down curiously, I see a small, beautiful glass box

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