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{ - I'm not dead!! And finding all of my notifications made my heart happy. I love you all :) - }

-= 11/29/17 =-

-= Bella =-

"So how's the movie going, Bella?" Alice asked as she set our smoothies down. Victoria hovered around awkwardly, not knowing what to do now that Alice had taken away her job as being the most extra smoothie waitress in existence.

"It's going well. I just recovered from the flu, though, so I'm not really looking forward to Thursday. We have to work from 4:00 am to 10:00 pm." I replied. I jabbed my straw against the table, forcing it to pop out of the wrapper.

Alice looked around and, once content that there wouldn't be any customers any time soon, sat down with us.

"I miss hanging out with you guys," she admitted.

"We miss you too, Ali. How are things with Jasper?" Rosalie asked.

At the mention of Jasper, Alice's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"There actually was something I wanted to tell you about that."

Rose and I both sipped at our smoothies, waiting patiently for Alice to get on with it. However, Alice wasn't one to take silence as enthusiasm. I figured we would need to egg her on a little bit.

"Oh, please do tell us the exciting news about you and your Prince Charming, Miss Ali." I spoke dramatically, causing Alice to give me a sarcastic smile, but her excitement quickly swept away any trace of negativity.

"Well, you know how this past weekend we went to the Tennessee mountains?" She began, practically bouncing in her seat.

"No, but continue."

Alice blushed. "Whoops, I forgot to tell you that. Well, it was incredible, and we stayed in this beautiful cabin. Jasper took us out on the lake and convinced me to fish. It was actually so fun and peaceful..."

"Alice, please get on with it," Rose pleaded, but she had humor in her eyes. Alice tended to drag things out much longer than necessary.

"I'm getting to it! Anyway, so while I was watching my pole, Jasper tapped me on the shoulder. And when I turned around..." she trailed off, squealing as she couldn't hold it in any longer. She held out her left hand, and on her ring finger there was a beautiful diamond ring. Rose and I gasped.

"No way! He proposed?" Rose said excitedly.

"Ali!! I'm so happy for you!" We hugged her, and she was absolutely beaming.

"I know! Isn't it wonderful? And both of you are going to be my maids of honor."

"Isn't there usually only one maid of honor?" I asked skeptically.

"Well, technically yes, but it's my wedding and I get to make the rules."

That was our Alice.


After we enjoyed our smoothies, we all went out to the mall. Alice had closed the shop early because she said she wanted to treat us.

After about an hour and multiple purchases later, I had begun to have enough socialization for the day. My mind kept wandering to my unfinished book set gently at my bay window, and I could hear all of the messages I was receiving from Edward on my phone that was tucked in my back pocket.

Rosalie and Alice seemed to be having the time of their lives, however, and I didn't want to ruin their fun by asking them if we could go.

"Hey guys, I really have to go practice my lines. I'm going to ask Edward to pick me up, okay?" I said, taking my single bag of items from Alice. I hated when she spent money on me, but I couldn't talk her out of buying a few things - and she had a miraculous power of making me want things when she complimented me like that.

"Are you sure, Bella?" Rose asked. "We can leave if you want."

"No, you guys have fun. I'm just slowing the process down anyway. Thanks for everything, Ali."

"Okay. I'll see you around, Bella. I had fun." Alice hugged me, and I told Rose I would see her later, before I walked out of the closest exit I could find. Pulling out my phone, I ignored the multitude of messages and dialed Edward's number. I had it so memorized it was quicker to type it than to search through my contacts.

"Bella? Is everything alright?" Edward asked as soon as he picked up.

"Yeah, I had a great time. I'm just ready to go home. Will you come pick me up? I don't want to ruin their fun."

"Of course," he said. "I'll be there soon."

"I'm outside of Belk. I'll see you soon."

"I love you, Bella."

"I love you, Edward."

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