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{ - Currently on a 13-hour car drive, so I figured I would update... 😖😌 - }

-= Edward =-

If I could, I would tell you what happened between the time I stopped talking to Rosalie to now, as I sat anxiously bouncing my leg next to Bella's bedside, but I can't. I have a habit of blocking out things I don't want to remember. I can tell you that for a while there, however, they almost gave up on her. They didn't think she would be even close to stable before they got to the hospital, and I'm pretty sure they even mentioned possible lung collapse.

My Bella is a fighter, though. I could've told you that. Remarkably, she suddenly just... stabilized. We were all just watching her life slip away before us, and then the heart monitor slowed to a steady, strong pace.

Now we were just waiting for her to wake up. They took X-rays, and somehow a decently small amount of smoke got to her lungs. They theorized that she held her breath as long as possible before she passed out, which could've helped save her life. Of course, the lack of oxygen to the brain worried them as well, so they took X-rays of her brain, too. Nothing. The doctors were amazed.

They were confused though, because if she was in such a perfect condition, then why was she about to die on the way here?

No one could figure it out... until I stepped in. People jumped when they heard my voice, because until then it's like I hadn't even been there. I was just the shell of me, and my soul was... I don't even know. But I offered my theory.

"There's no reason for her to have been so unstable," Donovan said scowling.

"Her racing pulse could've been from adrenaline," I grumbled, making everyone in the room jump. "I mean, I would be terrified too if I were stuck in a burning house."

"But that doesn't explain why she was terrified even after she passed out," Donovan replied skeptically.

"The adrenaline might've been still coursing through her system. It's not like there wasn't much of it. Not to mention the lack of oxygen could've messed with both her heart and her brain."

Donovan gave me a look to show he wasn't pleased with me saying something he didn't think of before muttering and leaving the room.

The nurse who was in the ambulance with us was scratching down notes on a clipboard.

"I think you're right, you know," she said. "I was wondering if that was it in the ambulance, that's why I didn't give her the dosage of morphine. It's not good to use if you're not in pain, and Miss Swan remarkably only had seven small first degree burns. Four won't even scar, so she shouldn't need morphine. My name is Amanda by the way."

I had just nodded and gave her a weak smile before slipping back into my unresponsive stupor. And now I'm here.

The doctors told me she should be waking up soon, but until then they couldn't get any more information, such as knowledge to if she has any brain damage or injuries they were unable to catch from what they checked while she was out.

I glanced over to her, hoping for some sort of change, but there she lay, eyes closed, skin somehow paler than normal, arms by her side outside of the rough, white hospital blanket, hands facing down and palm slightly raised.

Even in such a fragile state, I still took the moment with her alone to appreciate her beauty. Rosalie had to go outside because she couldn't control the guilt she had somehow conjured, and therefore couldn't control her tears. Emmett was stuck in traffic.

It's times like these I realize I never asked Bella about her parents. Why aren't they here? Shouldn't they be? Didn't anyone get ahold of them?

But in a way I'm glad, for I can be here as her comfort if she wakes up, and I couldn't sit here and wish I had told her that I had feelings for her if other people were here. Even if I didn't say it out loud, it would still feel awkward. An invasion of privacy.

Glancing at her hand, I dragged my chair closer to her bedside and slipped my left hand under her slightly lifted right one, grasping it. I could feel how chilled her hand was, and the heat in mine quickly began to warm hers.

"You know," I began, gently rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb, "You're one of the best actresses I have ever known."

I was surprised how steady my voice was at first, but it really shouldn't considering how numb I felt. I couldn't really feel any emotion.

"And the most beautiful," I added as I looked back up to her face.

I felt her hand twitch, and I quickly pressed the button for the nurse. I didn't even know why I did it, because it might have been a trick of my mind, but before I could collect my thoughts, a nurse - specifically Amanda - came rushing in. I was nervous, scared that she would yell at me for wasting her time, but suddenly Bella's eyes fluttered open.

My heart soared at the sight of the chocolate brown eyes I was terrified I would never see again, and I immediately ran over to Bella as the nurse went to get a doctor.


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