-*+ 9 +*-

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{ - sorry for the wait... hope you like the chapter! - }

-= Bella =-

"Bella! Get up already!" Someone squealed in my ear. Reflexively, I lifted my arm and swung. I felt my arm connect to something, and someone yelp in pain. My eyes flickered open and I saw Rosalie clutching her nose.

"Oops," I mumbled, sitting up slowly so I didn't get whiplash. Rosalie glared at me.

"What? You know not to wake me up," I shrugged to her, sliding off of the side of my bed.

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a dark blue blouse and white Capri pants. Leaving my feet bare, I flopped down the stairs and into the kitchen, wrenching open the refrigerator.

I glanced around at the contents before settling with some strawberries and vanilla yogurt.

Sitting down at the table, I peeled open my yogurt and poured it sloppily into a porcelain bowl, licking my fingers when it splattered on them.

Rosalie pranced down the stairs wearing a white tank top with a pink, short vest over it and white jeans with a beaded belt.

"Rose, can you chop these up for me?" I asked her, gesturing to the strawberries I picked out of the box.

"Sure thing," she said, taking the strawberries from me and placing them down on a cutting board before beginning to chop away.

I threw away my yogurt cup while I was waiting, and when I returned to my seat Rosalie handed me a small dish with strawberry slices on it.

"Thanks," I said, placing the slices neatly into my yogurt dish.

When I finished, I took my small spoon and dug in. It was delicious.

Soon all of the yogurt was gone and I placed my dish in the sink. Checking the time, I figured I would do some chores.

The laundry was beginning to pile up, so that was definitely a must-do. The dishes could use a wash, but it was Rose's turn to do them.

I decided I would do the laundry and then tidy up the bedroom. Walking to the laundry room, I picked up some laundry that was dropped on the way to the hamper.

I tossed a load into the washing machine and then turned to the dryer to take out the dry towels.

With an armful of multicoloured towels in my arm, I walked back down the hallway to the livingroom and slung down the pile.

I began folding the biggest towels first - the shower towels - listening to the rhythmic thrum of the washing machine.

In my stupor, I didn't realize that I had moved on to hand towels and were folding them into the shower towels.

Quickly, I placed them into a separate pile and continued my job.

Finally I moved on to wash cloths and there weren't many of those. When I finished folding I placed them on the towel rack in the downstairs bathroom before going to check on the laundry.

On my way down the hallway I heard the clinking of Rosalie beginning to wash the dishes.

As soon as I walked into the laundry room, the buzzer sounded to make me aware that the washer had finished. I jumped, making me giggle to myself as I swung open the washer door.

I pulled out the heavy, wet clothing handfuls at a time, slinging them into the dryer with loud thuds.

When I finished with that, I tossed in a bounty sheet and closed the dryer, turning the dial to thirty minutes and pressing start.

As the dryer began to hum erratically, I placed a final load into the washer for twenty minutes. Two loads of laundry was plenty for now.

I walked back out into the living room, listening to the clinking of dishes being placed together in the dishwasher.

I slunk down on the couch, propping my feet on the glass coffee table.

I leaned my head against the back of the couch, closing my eyes, letting them rest.

I let the air conditioner flood over my skin, giving me chills. I listened to the thrum of the washer and dryer, and to the clinking of the dishes.

I listened to the murmurs from the nearly-muted television talking about news, and before I knew it, I was unconscious.


"Is she asleep?" Someone asked, humour filling their gorgeous tone.

"Yeah, she's pretty wiped out. Can I get you something to drink?" Another familiar voice asked.

"What do you have?"

"Um, root beer... ginger ale... coke... dr. pepper... lemonade... blueberry pomegranate vitamin water."

"What kind of vitamin water?"

"Triple x."

"II'll take the vitamin water."

I felt the foot of the couch slump, like someone was sitting there. I finally peeled my eyes open, only to have them nearly big out of my head.

Edward was here, sitting at my feet, seeming perfectly at ease. He was staring at me, and by the smile forming at the corner of his perfect lips, you could tell he was fighting laughter.

"Good afternoon, sleepyhead," he sniggered.

"Bite me." I snapped, crossing my arms.

"Aww, did someone wake up on the wrong side of the couch?" he asked. He was liking teasing me.

"No, I woke up to the wrong sight, though."

His smile faltered a little, but with effort he kept it in place.

I sat up slowly, and stood up. I staggered and began to fall, and I landed on Edward. His smile returned to full-blast.

"Why, hello," he smirked.

"Hi," I grumbled, pushing off his chest - his very muscular chest - and standing up straight.

"Is she always this cranky when she wakes up?" Edward asked Rosalie when she returned with his bottle of vitamin water.

"It's usually worse. You got lucky." she informed him. I rolled my eyes.

"Why is it usually worse?" he asked curiously.

Rosalie opened her mouth to speak, but I butted in.

"Because Rosalie usually wakes me up."

"Ah, you're one of those people," he said, nodding. I rolled my eyes again.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"You're the person who hates being woken up. I get that."

"You get what?"

"It means I do the same..." he enunciated each syllable like he was talking to someone mentally crippled. I sighed impatiently.

"What do you want?"

"Well, thank you for the warm welcome."

I snorted.

Rosalie pursed her lips and looked around awkwardly before she turned and shuffled up the stairs.

I would probably do the same if I were her.

"I just came to see if you wanted to run some lines, but when I got here Rosalie brought me inside and I saw you sleeping peacefully. Rosalie told me you talk in your sleep."

I ground my teeth together. "Oh yeah? And what do I say?" I challenged.

"She said you talk about how you don't like the cold and..." he cleared his throat awkwardly.

"What?" I pressed.

"She said you've been saying my name."


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