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{ - THE UPDATE YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! If any of you have ever been on a plane, would you mind DMing me? I'm going on my first flight on Wednesday with my mom, and my dad keeps trying to reassure me but I can't help but be terrified. Anyway, onto the chapter! - }

-= Edward's POV =-

"Edward?" Bella asked softly, squinting her eyes.

"I'm right here," I whispered softly, fighting the tears welling up in my eyes. I say beside her, holding her hand as her eyes focused on me.

"Where's Rosalie? And Emmett, is he here? Is Rosalie okay?" she started panicking and her eyes dashed around the room as the beeping on the heart monitor increased.

"Relax, Bella," I said, trying to sound soothing. "Rosalie is outside, and Emmett will be here soon. He's stuck in traffic. Rose is absolutely fine." No need to tell her that Rosalie is crying, Bella doesn't need that stress at the moment.

"Is the house... did the police find out how it happened?" she asked, changing the question halfway through.

"They're looking into it, but there's no news yet. It's only been about six hours."

Her eyes bugged as she looked at the clock ticking on the wall. Sure enough, it was nine in the morning.

"Did you stay up all night?"

"Um... well, kind of, yeah."

"Did you ever leave my side?"

"Well, um..."

Just then, the doctor walked in, saving me from having to answer that question. I quickly stood up and moved to the side of the room to tabs out of the doctor's way, pulling my phone from my pocket. I texted Rosalie telling her that Bella was awake before putting it back in my pocket and watching the doctor go through her paperwork.

"So you should stay in the hospital for three days at least, and then we will check your burns. If everything is going alright, you'll be free to go." the doctor said with a smile.

"You're lucky to have such a caring boyfriend," Amanda smiled whole-heartedly, glancing between Bella and I.

"What? Well, actually-"

"That's right. I'll always be there for you, babe." I said, cutting Bella off. Her reaction was priceless as she furrowed her eyebrows at me, her mouth open in shock.

"You two are so cute! You're so lucky to have each other. I'm glad everything turned out alright." Amanda beamed.

I looked at Bella, who was actually smiling a bit. Amanda sure knew how to spread happiness. Even I felt a bit better at her kind words.

"Right, well then," the doctor said, placing his clipboard at the end of the bed, "Amanda, get Bella some breakfast, please."

"Oh, please. I'm not hungry," Bella tried to deny, but the doctor raised his hand at her.

"Miss Swan, you have to eat. It's unhealthy for you not to eat after something so traumatic, and it might affect your healing."

"But really, I'm-"

"Bella." I said sternly. Her gaze locked with mine, and I ignored the erratic thumping of my heart. "You're going to eat."

She blushed slightly and looked away, muttering a soft "fine".


Minutes later, the doctor and Amanda left, and Rosalie came running in. Tear stains were left on her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy.

"Bella!" she cried, rushing over to Bella's side. She went to hug Bella, but thought better of it after giving her a once-over. "Oh Bella, I was so scared! I didn't know what was going to happen, but you told me to run, and you sounded so sincere... I called the fire department at once, and as soon as I did, I called Edward." she explained.

"Rose, it's okay, calm down." Bella said softly. Then she thought for a moment and looked at me. "Edward, can you give us a moment?"


-= Bella's POV =-

As Edward left the room, I felt a swell of loneliness swirl inside of me, but I ignored it as I looked at Rosalie.

I was so grateful of my best friend, and it pained me to see how sad she was... because of me. Fighting back my feelings of guilt, I waited for her to tell me what happened.

"So when Edward got there, he tried to go in to get you. The firefighters wouldn't let him, and after that, it was like he just... broke. He sat on the grass talking to himself, and I'm pretty sure he didn't realize he was even doing it. He just sat there for about an hour saying, 'not her, anyone but her,' and, 'why, why wasn't it me instead?'. It scared the hell out of me and Emmett. His eyes were blank. He didn't say anything until we were in the ambulance. He almost wasn't allowed in, but he got in anyway. We had a short conversation on how we thought the fire started, but came up blank. And then he just went back to his unresponsive state. The only other time he talked before you woke up was to offer his explanation to how you almost died and miraculously healed on your way to the hospital. That was it." she told me. My head was spinning as I tried to understand everything she told me.

"I almost died?" I asked, stunned.

"Oh, Bella! It was terrible! Edward and so just sat there, watching your life slip away, knowing there was nothing we could do. Your heartbeat was getting weaker... and then you just... stabilized. I thought of it as a miracle, I was so happy." more tears streamed down her face by now.

"Hey," I said, frowning. "What are you crying for, stupid?"

"You almost died!"

"But I didn't. You think I would've let myself die when I have such an amazing life? Well... had..." I trailed off, but soon continued speaking. "I can't believe you doubted me."

"Sorry," she said, smiling weakly.

"Besides, like I was going to let that Tanya chick take my role as Edward's girlfriend. Hell nah."

I was feeling better every minute that passed at Rosalie and I giggled to each other.

After a while, the nurse, who Rosalie told me was named Amanda, came in with my breakfast with Edward and Emmett trailing behind her.

"Emmett!" Rosalie squealed, jumping up and kissing him.

"Guys, get a room," I whined, putting my hand in front of them.

"Technically, we have a room, you just happen to be in it." Emmett teased, but pulled away from Rose anyway. He walked over to me and sat down in the chair beside the bed.

Amanda lifted my bed up so I was sitting up more and left my food before leaving.

"We'll let you two talk." Rose said.

"But I just got back in here," Edward whined.

"I don't care, we are letting them talk." Rose said, taking Edward's wrist and dragging him out of the room.


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