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--= Bella =--

"I just can't believe she didn't tell me!" I cried, frowning deeply. "I thought we were best friends. I was sure of it. When did that change?"

"It never changed, Bella. You've just been so overwhelmed lately. She didn't want to give you more to deal with. It isn't even that big of a deal... although, she's going to kill me for telling you..." Edward sighed, running his hands through his hair and leaning back on the couch. For some reason, what he said only made me more angry. Who was he to know what Rosalie wanted? I was her best friend, not him. And it wasn't a big deal? My best friend is growing an entire human in her stomach, and that wasn't a big deal?

I guess I really was overwhelmed. I'm getting angry over petty stuff.

"How did you even find out, Edward? Why the hell did you find out before me?"

"Emmett told me, obviously."

"Right." I rolled my eyes. "Of course. How stupid of me."

"That isn't what I meant, Bella, you know that."

After a couple moments of silence, I took a deep breath and laid my head against Edward's shoulder. It wasn't his fault, and I shouldn't take it out on him. It was just so annoying that everything seemed to be happening at once. With Jasper and Alice's wedding, having two months before the movie was supposed to premiere, recovering from the flu, and now this? I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt Edward kissing away the tears.

"Bella? Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong, beautiful?" He asked, his green eyes swimming with concern. He cupped my cheeks, forcing me to meet his gaze. I felt my body begin to wrack with sobs as I began having my first panic attack in months.

"I'm just... so stressed, Edward!" I cry, beginning to gasp for air. I felt trapped, I wanted to get away.

I needed to get away.

I stood up, just to sit down again, and then to push away from Edward just to curl into his arms and beg him not to let go of me. I felt trapped, but whenever I moved from him, I felt like I was falling away from everything.

"Bella! Hey, shh, it's okay baby girl. Bella, focus for me. Focus on me. Take deep breaths." Edward murmured softly in my ear, and I closed my eyes, focusing on his words. I slowed my breathing, breathing with him. I felt my body begin to relax into his arms, and I felt like I was coming back to myself.

Once I finally had a handle on myself again, I sighed. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Bella. I love you."


"No, Bella... You're blocking Edward's face," James scolded as I lay on top of Edward.

"I'm sorry! The blankets are tangled up." I shifted, trying to get in a better position, and Edward groaned loudly as I realized that I accidentally kneed him right in his baby maker. I laughed hard, laying on his chest. "I'm so sorry babe!"

"It's fine. It's not like I need that thing."

Against Edward's wishes, I insisted we call James back and agree to come film the last scenes of the movie. We were shooting one of the last scenes - the love scene. So far, it wasn't going very smoothly. I was attempting to straddle Edward, but the bed sheets were wrapped uncomfortably around our legs from all of my shifting and readjusting. He was only wearing his underwear, but they were a special pair that he was ordered to wear by James so that he would actually appear to be fully naked. They were small, as if they were panties for men. When he came out of his dressing room wearing them, I couldn't stop laughing for about ten minutes.

I couldn't exactly say anything though, because I was forced to wear my first ever thong. I'll admit that it wasn't quite as uncomfortable as I expected, but I felt extraordinarily exposed with my backside just kind of hanging out. I'll tell you one thing, though; Edward sure did enjoy it.

"Edward, stop staring at her boobs! It's supposed to be romantic, not real." James sounded irritated, but when I glanced over at him, he looked like he was suppressing laughter.

"I'm sorry!" Edward huffed.

Following James' directions, I managed to get through the portion where I was on top without too many more difficulties. However, once it was Edward's turn, it was a bit harder, due to him getting a bit too into it.

"Edward," I hissed. "Stop improvising and just do what you're supposed to."

"I'm supposed to be having sex with you, Serenity." He grins. "So I am."

I rolled my eyes, but moaned when he continued kissing down my neck.

After about an hour, James finally got what he wanted for the scene - that, or he gave up on trying to keep it as pg-13 as possible. Jewels quickly brought me a robe to put on, as well as Edward.

"Well, that was interesting," Edward grinned widely at me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"You didn't have to be so difficult, Edward." I frowned at him, clearly displeased. He was unaffected, however.

"It's hard to keep it pg-13 with you, Bella. Especially when you're not wearing clothes." His fingers slid down the edge of the fabric that was separating his eyes from my bare chest, and I gently swatted his hand away.

"Behave," I scolded.


I laughed despite myself and shook my head. He was a pain in the ass sometimes, but God I loved him. And he knew it.

"Come on, I'm starving." I said, pulling him to the snack table. I smiled at all of the options. They really outdid themselves. What was usually scattered with a few Debby Cakes and a bowl of small candies was now neatly organized with veggie trays, mini chip bags, a large fruit bowl, and an array of different flavoured doughnuts. I wondered if they had Boston Creme, or chocolate glazed. Those were the best, don't even argue with me.

"I don't see how, I clearly did all of the work," he mused, pursing his lips and reaching for a baby carrot. I gasped, clearly offended.

"Watch it, Edward. Or this," I said, grabbing another baby carrot and snapping it in half, "will be your penis."

He winced, sticking his tongue out at me and chuckling. "Nice try, Bella. You would miss it too much."

I rolled my eyes. He was right, of course, but that doesn't mean I had to admit it.

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