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-= 12/1/17 =-


The week past by in a blur. Bella was always exhausted due to the brutal schedule, although I was used to it. We only had six more scenes to shoot before the movie would be finished, but unfortunately that would mean three consecutive days of filming from 4:00 - 10:00 pm.

Bella came home with me more often than not, and she would fall asleep as soon as she climbed into my bed. I didn't mind, I loved sleeping with her. I just hated how tired she was.

Not to mention, after hearing about Alice and Jasper's engagement, Bella felt obliged to help with the planning as well. Deep inside, I felt a bit of resentment towards Jasper for not waiting until filming was over, but I knew that his life came first.

The release date was in three months, and once the movie was released, we would be traveling all around the country for interviews and signings. Bella was excited, and I wouldn't ruin her mood by telling her how stressful it could be.

We agreed that we would go to the premier with most of the cast, but Josephine and a couple other cast members decided they didn't want to.

Bella and I never had many moments to be a couple anymore due to her exhaustion and the busy schedule. I had tried to plan a date on Monday, but it fell apart when James called us in for a last minute reshoot of two scenes.

The worst part was coming home and seeing Emmett and Rosalie carelessly making out on the couch. It seemed as the longer Bella and I were apart, the more cocky Emmett was with his relationship.

"Can't you guys keep your hands to yourself?" I asked irritatedly.

"I mean, I could, but why would I want to?" Emmett sang. I rolled my eyes as Rosalie giggled and they went right back to kissing.

Rushing up to my room, I decided to watch the trailer. They had multiple different ones on YouTube, and I opted for the longest one. As I watched, I found myself transfixed on Bella. She was so beautiful, and I just couldn't get over it. I didn't know how I was so lucky to get her.

The video showed Bella dropping her books, and me quickly bending down to pick them up as Josephine spoke in the background.

"Mason might not be like his sister," she said, and the video flashed to Bella getting a slushy thrown into her face.

"Then why doesn't he stop her?" She asked. It flashed to her and Josephine mid-conversation.

The screen went dark, and the video went silent before Josephine spoke the words that appeared on the screen.

"Maybe he doesn't know."

The video sped up as dramatic music started playing, snippets of Bella and I talking and laughing and hanging out flitted across the screen faster and faster before it went dark and silent again.

Text popped up, and you heard Bella and I.

"I love you, Serenity."

"I love you, Mason."

A picture of us holding hands filled the screen before the title popped up in an elegant font. The man's voice started babbling on.

"Heartstrings. Coming to theaters March 2018."

The video ended, and I smiled. It was an amazing trailer, I had to admit. Scrolling through the comments, I was happy to see that a lot of people agreed with me.

I soon turned my phone off and began flipping through my script. I practically knew the thing from front to back at this point, but there was no harm in double checking.

I was about halfway through reading the last few scenes when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said, and paused. "Unless you're Emmett. Then go away."

Bella walked in laughing softly. I smiled at her. She truly was beautiful.

"Did Emmett do something to get on your nerves again, Edward?" She asked me, sitting down next to me.

"Just making out on the couch as usual," I told her. "Have you studied the scenes?"

"Yes, multiple times."

She sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Are you here to take a nap?"

"No, I wanted to spend time with you. Unfortunately, I think I might end up taking a nap anyway."

I turned to face her, brushing my thumb along the circles under her eyes.

"Maybe you should just focus on catching up on sleep this weekend," I suggested. "You can come over and we can watch Netflix and sleep."

She smiled widely and kissed my cheek. "That sounds perfect."

We spent the next hour going over the scenes before Bella laid down and closed her eyes. I smiled and, after putting my script away, laid down beside her and pulled her close.

"Get some sleep, baby girl," I whispered, kissing her hair.

And she did.

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